Deus, Justiça Bíblia e Políticos: Parte 3, Introdução

Parte III: As lições políticas da História Judaica


Israel ea Lei histórico

For Jews the Law is the entire Old Testament including the historical books. There was the Law as God gave it to Moses, prescritivo tais como o 10 mandamentos e da Lei de Moisés interpretou durante o 40 years in the wilderness. But there was also the Law as revealed throughout Old Testament history as the Jews lived it out. We know the Jews understood the meaning of the Law by how they applied it and whether God was able to bless their application or not. Em outras palavras, the Jewish people where taught that the Laws of God were not only words but also deeds. One did not know if they understood the Law or not until they applied it, or actively “loved your neighbor as yourself.” In the context of the Hebrew understanding of “knowing” you “knew” the law if you could apply it to a situation, não apenas citá-lo.

The greatest distinction between “religion” and “faith” in the God of the Bible is that religion is by definition a set of dogma we believe in. Biblical faith is action we take because of what we believe. Believing and action cannot be divided. Another way of saying this is that moral judgments are always situational, ou aplicada ao e em situações reais, e não abstrações morais, idéias que podem ser adotados sem aplicação. In following God we cannot just quote “thou shall not murder” without defining what murder is and working to stop it. You cannot say, “thou shall not steal” without defining the right to own and defending private ownership. So “the Laws of God” are not abstract principles, but principles and values applied in given situations. It is a living law.

Teologia, o estudo de quem é Deus, cannot be understood in theoretical isolation. Biblically to be known and understood it must be applied. The God of the Bible does not have the slightest interest in “how many angels can stand on the head of a pin?” Because it has absolutely no application to the reality of the world He has created. God will not enter the debate over “how much you may sin and still be saved.” This is not a question the Bible seeks to answer. The whole point of the Bible is the pursuit of God and His Glory.

Quando dizemos que a 10 Mandamentos nos diz para não "assassinato", e conclui-se ou assumir que significa que não podemos estar no exército, ou da força policial, ou defender nossas famílias ou nos de ataque, temos mal entendido. Estas conclusões são diametralmente aposto ao que a Bíblia ensina sobre o serviço militar eo direito de proteger. Estas conclusões estão trabalhando com uma definição muito limitada de homicídio por violência, eliminando a discussão bíblico mais amplo de morte por inanição por causa da ganância, más práticas por causa de uma falta de preocupação de construção, mau saneamento e práticas de saúde na produção de alimentos, falta de atendimento médico, etc. If we are to understand the Law we must understand the historical application of it in Israel through the lives of the kings and the message of the prophets.
