Landa Cope is the Founding International Dean of the College of Communication for Youth With A Mission’s University of the Nations. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Art and Education and a Master’s degree in Humanities and International Studies. Since joining Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in 1971, her public speaking and work in missions have taken her to more than 110 nations. Landa has lived and worked in North Africa, the Pacific and Europe. She spent eight years developing and launching the communications and fundraising work of Mercy Ships International, serving as the Communications Officer. In 1984, Landa moved to Kona, Hawaii where she founded the International College of Communication, one of seven colleges in the UofN. Students are trained in interactive media, digital communication, video, film, photography, graphics, illustration, marketing, radio, writing, journalism and developing mass media. Graduates have been placed in some of the highest-ranking communication businesses in the industry internationally. The College of Communication has locations in Australia, North America, South America, Europe and Africa. Landa Cope is in high demand around the world to speak to religious, political, business and professional leaders on the subject of what scripture teaches us practically about discipling nations. She is the author of “Clearly Communicating Christ”, a book about Jesus-style communication and “The Old Testament Template.” and “God, the Bible and Political Justice”. Landa currently lives in South Africa, and is writing her fourth book about God and economics. In 2005 Landa founded The Template Institute committed to providing seminars and materials for the development of Biblical thinking in the professions as well as a comprehensive Biblical approach to issues in the public forum. She currently serves as the Founder and Executive Director of TTI. Leah Broomfield was appointed as the new Director of TTI in April 2011. |
The University of the Nations
The University of the Nations is an international university that exists as a multiplier for missions, with the goal of seeing all nations discipled. As future leaders, UofN students must be international and cross-cultural in their experience and mindset. Therefore they study and do field assignments in two or more continents, learning alongside students from many other countries. Students complete their work with not only a university degree, but also a first hand knowledge of the world. To make this possible, UofN has courses registered in more than 100 countries. There are over 50 languages used in the hundreds of courses distributed in 7 colleges/faculties on every continent. TTI welcome internships from the UofN in the areas of the students’ passion and call.For more information, please visit the UofN Web site. |
The goal of TTI is to reveal Christ in all of life and enhance the effectiveness of professionals in all spheres to meet the needs of their communities through their professions. Working from the Books of Moses through to Revelation the Institute seeks an understanding of the Scriptures applied to daily life and work.
The structure of TTI is an independent foundation seeking to create a bridge between the professional community, YWAM and the UofN. The target audience of TTI is Christian professionals in the market place and professionals of all persuasions with an interest in the Biblical foundations for society. Strategies include virtual and real time seminars, books, videos, audios and forums dealing with critical issues in the public domain and the Biblical foundations for positions and values. In addition TTI seeks to find and give exposure to independent and objective demonstrations of these principles from objective sources in historical and current events collaborating with the UofN with advanced studies in these areas and providing internships for current degree students in their field of study. |