How You Can Help

How You Can Help
The work of The Template Institute depends on the help – financial and otherwise – it receives from its network of friends and supporters. That is true for the running of the institute as well as its staff. We invite you to prayerfully consider how you can be a part of this work. If you have any questions or wish to communicate, please go to our contact page.


We greatly value the prayers of our friends and supporters. At TTI, we recognize the importance of prayer as the foundation of all ministry. Please join us in praying that God will guide and strengthen us for the work he has called us to do.


TTI is a charity and therefore depends on donations for the continuation of its work and its staff. You can help expand and sustain our efforts through your financial support. As a small charity engaged internationally, we rely on the generosity of supporters to help us develop the thinking and projects that we are involved in. You can help expand and sustain our efforts through your financial support.  We are currently needing to raise $1000 USD per year for our new Domain Study Bible Website.


Help spread the message of TTI. There are a number of effective ways you can help TTI. Tell your friends about the ministry, suggest they visit the web site, talk about us with your church leader. As you are blessed and ministered to by this work, please tell others. If you have questions or wish to discuss ideas of how you can get the word out, please contact us and help to maximize our impact.

Donate your time and skills. TTI is always in need of designers, web designers, video editors, photographers, translators, and data entry. Please let us know if you are able to help in any of these ways.