Dios, la Justicia Biblia y Políticos: Capítulo 14

Tercera parte: Lecciones políticas de Historia de los Judíos

Capítulo 14

Abraham a Moisés

The vast majority of the Old Testament focuses on political leadership. From Genesis to the prophet Isaiah, 15 de los 22 books are primarily telling the story of what was happening in Israel in the political realm. In the prescriptive Laws God tells us what He wants from political leaders and the people. En los acontecimientos históricos que Dios nos dice lo que hicieron y los profetas añadir las consecuencias de esas decisiones.

As we fly over this vast two thousand year landscape of political leadership we are looking for God’s emphasis. What is He telling us? Why does He include these details? What are we to take from this selected history of Israel into our lives and work today? We are looking for the meaning of the history God gives us in the form of eternal values and principles of the Kingdom.

Los comienzos tribales

Abrahán 2166-1991 JC *

Abraham nació en Ur, actual Irak, near the Euphrates river and near the location considered the likely sight of the Garden of Eden. Abraham’s family is Chaldean. Su padre había comenzado a moverse hacia el oeste a Canaán, pero se detuvo en Harán, Sureste de Turquía de hoy, donde murió a las 205 años de edad.

Abraham is called of God to leave his extended family and tribe in Haran and set off again for Canaan. God promises him that he will father a new nation and that all the peoples of the earth will be blessed through him. At 75 años de edad que establece con su esposa Sarai, sus siervos, trabajadores y sobrino Lot, llegar a Siquem, lo que ahora llamamos Cisjordania, cerca del Monte. Ebal y el monte. Gerizim.

Abram is a good man. He builds alters and worships the Most High God, he gives the better land to his selfish nephew Lot when they part. He fights to free Lot from his political enemies and refuses any blunder from the war. He believes God will give him an heir late in life and is willing to offer this same child as a sacrifice if that is what God is saying. At 99, antes de que haya tenido su hijo milagro, Abraham believes God and performs the first rite of circumcision on all the males of his clan including himself. This patient man rescues his nephew a second time from the violence of Sodom and Gomorrah. He understands God’s heart to bless nations and pleads for all the mercy God is able to extend to its villainous people.

Y sin embargo,, en su 170 años en la tierra, este mismo hombre se encuentra a dos líderes nacionales con el fin de protegerse a sí mismo y su riqueza, the Pharaoh of Egypt and King Abimilech of the Philistines. He laughs at the promise of God for a child in old age. It is Abraham that gives us the concubine solution, which produces his heir Ishmael who will also be promised by God of the blessing of a great nation through his sons. And these tribes will be at war with their cousins, las tribus de Isaac, a lo largo de la historia humana.

La geografía de la tierra que Dios prometió a Abraham que se extienden desde el río de Egipto, probablemente el Nilo, hasta el gran río Eufrates, una zona que se extiende posiblemente desde el Mar Rojo al este a través de Egipto, Jordania, Líbano, Siria, Israel and possibly parts of northern Saudi Arabia and much of north and south west Iraq today. This land, que comprende la mayor parte de lo que Génesis capítulo dos describe como el Jardín del Edén, will never all belong to the heirs of Isaac but most of it will be inhabited by the ancestors of Abraham through Isaac and Ishmaels sons and later the heirs of Jacob and Esau. In the late 1940’s the King of Jordan will be quoted as saying, "Dejad que los Judios de regresar, ellos son nuestros primos y nos bendecirá ".

Abraham en este 175 años de edad.

Isaac 2066-1886 JC *

Isaac es un niño milagro nacido de padres sobre 100 years old. He inherits Abraham’s promise from God that his ancestors will become a great nation and that nation will bless all the nations of the world. He grows up among the Hittite people from whom his father has bought land. He settles in what would now be the southern most boarder of Israel. God miraculously provides the wife from his fathers’ people near Haran, ahora el sureste de Turquía, in the land of the Amorites. Rebekah is Aramean and she is promised that she will give birth to two nations and the younger, Jacob servirá a la mayor, Esaú.

A pesar de toda esta gran bendición de Isaac se encuentra, como lo hizo su padre, to Abimilech King of the Philistines. He breaks the treaty his father has made with Abimilech and then makes a new one, fearing God is unable to protect him. His beautiful wife proceeds to poison their son Jacob with the need to lie, manipulate and deceive their father in order to get the blessing God had already promised to him. Por otra parte, Isaac iba a dar a Esaú la bendición que Dios había prometido a Jacob, a pesar de lo que Dios ya les había dicho acerca del liderazgo de Jacob. Los antepasados ​​de estos dos grandes tribus se disputa a través de toda la historia.

Isaac muere a 180 años de edad.

Jacob 2005-1859 JC *

Jacob has an impressive beginning. While still in his mother’s womb God chooses him to lead his tribe. He gets a double blessing from his father, Isaac. On his way to his mother’s family in Haran, God sends Angels in a dream to promise that his ancestors will multiply greatly and through them God will bless all the peoples of the earth. Jacob works very hard for 14 years to obtain his Uncle Laban’s daughters in marriage and God blesses them both with children. Jacob’s business prospers as well as the uncle he serves. When Jacob returns to Canaan with his family God sends an Angel for a second time to wrestle with and bless Him. He is crippled in the encounter but he is also changed and God gives him the name Israel. He reconciles with Esau on his return and buys land from the Philistines in Shechem and settles there.

As blessed and called of God as Jacob is there are areas of his life that are a disaster. He lies to his father and steals his brother’s birthright and blessing. He tries magic to multiply his flock when God has already told him that He will bless him. His wife, aparentemente siguiendo la línea de la familia, se encuentra a su padre y le roba sus ídolos, hiding them and taking them to Canaan. His first two wives fight their entire life and his sons are a mess. They are jealous, egoísta, treacherous and violent. They think to murder their little brother Joseph but decide selling him would be more profitable. They lie to the Shecimites and then commit genocide of the male population in order to build their own wealth. Jacob astutely understands this will turn all the tribes in Canaan against them and flees to Bethel the place where God first spoke to him.

Jacob muere a 146 años de edad.

Joseph 1914-1805 JC *

God singles out Joseph early on to lead his tribe. He is adored by his father as the son of his first love, Rachel. He is a diligent and honest worker. Although sold by his brothers into slavery, he keeps His trust in God and God exalts him in his work. He is honorable when solicited by his boss’s wife but thrown in prison anyway. He keeps serving God and is blessed again in his work in prison. Because of his relationship with God and the blessing of fellow prisoners he is singled out by the Pharaoh to interpret a dream. Not only does God tell him the dream and the meaning, Joseph is successful in saving the lives of all the other pagan magicians. Pharaoh makes him second in State and puts him over all of His affairs including disaster relief.

Joseph is used by God to save the nations of Egypt and Israel from financial ruin and starvation. Because of Joseph, su pueblo están protegidos y bendecidos en Egipto durante más de 100 año. His two sons are given equal status with his brothers and founded two of Israel’s 12 naciones tribales, Manasés y Efraín.

Joseph no miente, engañar, steal or dishonor for personal gain until his brothers come to Egypt for financial help. Joseph becomes unrecognizable with displays of emotion that alert the whole Palace. He lies and manipulates to get his brothers and father back to Egypt even when he has all the power of Egypt to make that happen. Él conduce a Israel a la situación que se convertirá en más de 400 años de esclavitud. Joseph es un delincuente sexual convicto que ha pasado 13 años de prisión. Y al igual que su padre estuvo a punto rechaza el líder escogido por Dios en Ephraim su hijo menor, prefiriendo el hijo mayor Manasés.

José murió a 180 años de edad.

Moisés 1526-1406 JC *

Toward the end of Israel’s slavery in Egypt God miraculously spares Moses from the genocide of his generation and raises him up as political liberator and leader. Pharaoh’s daughter rescues him from a basket in the Nile and raises him in Pharaoh’s Palace. He is a natural leader. He brings all of Israel and other slaves out of Egypt to freedom with no army or formal government to back him. He receives the Laws from God and builds the foundations for discipling nations. He forms Israel’s first government and priesthood. He builds the Tabernacle. He sees God face to face and performs dramatic miracles that provide food and water for more than 3,000,000 refugees in the wilderness. Beginning at 80 años de edad que lleva a su pueblo para 40 años en el desierto, sin un sistema de apoyo externo. Y en Mateo cinco Jesús dice que sienta las bases de su mensaje.

Antes de que se lleva a cabo todo esto se comete un asesinato, huye a asilo político, and marries a Midianite whose father is a pagan priest. He nearly dies because he has failed to circumcise his sons. His stepbrother Pharaoh and the elders of Israel reject him as the leader for years. Millions of lives are lost and billions in property value will be devestated in Egypt under his leadership. He fears failure, fears public speaking and sees Israel build a Golden Calf under his brother Aaron’s leadership. He responds in such anger and frustration, tomar crédito por un milagro que Dios realiza que Dios le prohíbe entrar en la tierra prometida.

Moses días at 120 años de edad.

Al terminar este capítulo en la historia política de Israel lo que se destaca?

*Todos ellos son elegidos y llamados.

*Todos ellos tienen grandes hazañas de la fe y el compromiso personal.

*Todos ellos tienen fallas formidables y cometen errores graves.

*El todos tienen grandes problemas familiares.

*Todos ellos traen tiempos muy difíciles de su historia las naciones.

*Todos ellos tienen esqueletos en el armario.

¿Es posible que todos tendrían un tiempo difícil de ser elegido para el cargo hoy? And yet God uses them.

También es interesante observar que la estrategia de la tierra en Canaán hasta este momento de la historia ha sido la compra.

Ahora nos fijamos en la historia de Josué y los Jueces.
