Le modèle de l'Ancien Testament: Chapitre 13

Arts et Spectacles

"Il a fait toute chose belle en son temps."
Ecclésiaste 3:11

«Une chose que je demande au Seigneur, c'est ce que je vois: et j'habiterai dans la maison du Seigneur tous les jours de ma vie, pour contempler la beauté du Seigneur et lui demander dans son temple ".
Psaume 27:4

Tout ce que Dieu a fait est beau! Rien dans l'univers est sans couleur, forme, et la conception. Il se tourne cendres en beauté. Il est le «Cantique des Cantiques,"Le" Potter,«Le Seigneur de la beauté. Il est beau. Les arts révéler le Créateur à travers la musique, mots, couleur, conception, équilibrer, mouvement, harmonie, rythme. David dit que les étoiles chantent la gloire du Seigneur et il ya des physiciens aujourd'hui qui pensent qu'il est tout à fait possible que les planètes font vibrer accords harmoniques parfaites. Le septième jour de la création, Dieu se reposa. Nous ne devons pas penser à cela reste en termes de fatigue parce que Dieu ne souffre pas la fatigue. Nous devons penser à ce repos que de prendre le temps de contempler la beauté de la création, un goûter de la bonté de tout ce qu'il a fait. Les attributs de Dieu révélée dans les arts beauté, reste, et célébration. Le but de Dieu pour ce domaine est de renouveler et de restaurer et nous donner la joie de notre travail.

Am IA artiste chrétien ou un artiste qui est chrétien?
Artistes chrétiens ont aujourd'hui un terrible conflit dans la compréhension de l'objet de leur cadeau. Si leur travail ne parle pas de Jésus directement, at-il encore de la valeur? Peuvent-ils travailler sur des productions avec les non-chrétiens? Quand certains voient un magnifique bâtiment, peinture, jouer ou écouter un merveilleux spectacle, ils sont tentés de demander, "At-il été produite, créé et interprété par les chrétiens?», Comme si cela valider la beauté. Mais la beauté, en soi, est un attribut de Dieu. Putting a Jesus sticker on it does not make it more beautiful. Preaching may be beautiful, but beauty does not necessarily preach an additional message. We may have art and beauty in the church, but art does not have to relate directly to ecclesiastical expression in order to reveal God.

Anything, including forms of music, notes, or instruments can be used for good or evil. There is no such thing as demonic notes, rhythms, or instruments. Satan does not own these any more than he owns the moon or mushrooms or color. All these things are an extension of God’s creation. Anything that God has made may be used to worship Satan, but it can also be used to reveal God. We tend to think of old music as godly music; anything really new is suspect, if not evil. Bien sûr, this has more to do with personal taste than God. We happily listen to the beautiful Lutheran hymns, content that this music reveals spiritual virtue. What most of us don’t know is that Luther put Christian words to the beer garden favorites of the day. I wonder how the German Christians of his day responded to those popular songs being used in church?

Scripture Reveals Three Themes In Music
In the study of the arts and music in scripture, three kinds of musical themes are recorded. Vénérer, bien sûr, national or political music, and love songs. One love song gets an entire book in the Song of Solomon. Aujourd'hui, vénérer, hymns, praise and psalms are all important, but we have lost the importance of celebrating human love and love of nation. Si vous regardez les hymnes nationaux du monde entier, vous verrez que la grande majorité d'entre eux, écrit avant 1970, parler de Dieu et Sa bénédiction. Jusqu'au siècle dernier, il était entendu que Dieu est impliqué dans la vie politique d'une nation. Au cours du siècle dernier, certains pays ont cherché à supprimer ces références à Dieu. Est-ce à cause de la sécularisation du pays ou de la perte de l'église de la compréhension de Dieu dans l'arène politique? Où sont les chansons d'amour? Nos ondes sont entassés avec un message d'amour qui est humiliant ou obscène au mieux. Mais aujourd'hui,, Quand un musicien qui est chrétien, écrit et réalise une belle célébration de l'amour humain, nous accuser d'être «laïque» ou non fidèle à sa foi et ne présentant Jésus. Scripture celebrates all these themes of music and uses them to reveal God.

If we define opera as a story put to music, then Moses gives us a very early, if not the first, opera in Deuteronomy 32. It is amazing to think that this national, political leader so understood the importance of music in the life of a nation that, at the end of his life, he would compose a work containing important principles for the people to remember. Moses recited the words of this song from beginning to end in the hearing of the whole assembly of Israel.1

The Disciplines Of The Arts
Like science, God rules the arts by laws that govern each discipline; laws of aesthetics, harmonie, rythme, dissonance, couleur, forme, conception, positive and negative space. Whether dance, sculpture, peinture, écriture, or composing, every artist and performer understands that there are principles upon which their discipline is built. Mastering those fundamentals is foundational to their skill. Genius, puis, is making those same fundamentals disappear in artistic expression. Unredeemed people create beautiful things because they are created in the image of God. They just do not realize the source of their talent or discipline or their love of beauty. They do not know the gift-giver, but their gift still celebrates God. They are unaware of whom to be grateful to. Whether or not they know God does not make their creation more or less beautiful. Nor do Jew s lyrics make it more beautiful. Beauty has intrinsic value as an extension of God’s character and nature.

So much of what is called Christian music and art today is mediocre at best. Perhaps this is because we think the only thing that matters is whether it talks about God. It is important to present the message of Christ. Cependant, it is not only absurd, it is dangerous to think that the only thing important about a surgeon is his love of God, that his technical skill in surgery is unimportant. The heart of the individual and the discipline of a craft are two different things and Jesus is Lord of them both. As one who believes in the Creator God, you and I are to value skill as well as right standing with God. We are to celebrate beauty for beauty’s sake because He is the Lord of Beauty, the Creator of all skill, and we are to seek the artist’s right relationship to Christ, the creator of his gift.2

There are no tribes, nations, or cultures without art, musique, and sport. Beauty, song, and celebration are all pre-human. They were expressed in God before we existed and they still reveal Him. We don’t have to justify the love of sport or art by turning it into an opportunity to talk to the person next to us in the stands about God. We may or may not find that appropriate. It’s okay to enjoy talent and God-given gifting for their innate value. It is worship of the Creator, the gift-giver and a celebration of who He is!

Themes to consider when studying and coloring the subject of the arts and entertainment in scripture: musique, conception, sport, dance, culture, habiller, poésie, literature, crafts, couleur, sculpture, and beauty.
The domain of arts and entertainment reveals: Cantique des cantique, the Potter
The primary attribute of God revealed in arts and entertainment: Beauty
Dieu régit ce domaine à travers: The laws of aesthetics of each discipline
La couleur que j'ai utilisé: Rose

To provide rest, relaxation and restoration of the soul through beauty and joy.

A NOTE à tous les croyants:
One of my students said that he saw how all the domains related to his personal life in one way or another. But not the arts. What did art and beauty have to do with him? He was not a musician or painter or anything like that. I found this a tragic confession. I responded, “The question you need to ask yourself is, ‘Where is the beauty in my life?’” Immediately he teared up. The question touched a deep chord. His life was full of service, duty, dévotion, and work… but there was no celebration, beauté, and joy.

This is not uncommon in or out of Christian circles. Le monde a désespérément besoin de la beauté. We are so often surrounded by the mundane, thoughtless, chaotic, and ugly. One of the things I love about living in Switzerland is the celebration of beauty in the form of flower boxes on the windows. No matter how humble the farmhouse, every spring color explodes in all the window boxes. This custom serves no practical purpose. These plants can’t be eaten. They are just pretty. There is such a need for this understanding of beauty in all of our lives and the life of our communities. Where is the beauty in your life?

My parents were poor and moved from their family homes during the depression to find work in the north of the United States. I was their first child born in a home with an indoor toilet. But from my earliest memory music filled our house. My mother listened to opera on the radio as she washed our hair in the kitchen sink on Saturdays. We never talked about it; there were no music lectures. But it was important to her to have beauty in her very modest home. This is one of the great treasures left to methe celebration of God in music in my life. We need beauty.

Whether you are gifted in body, ear or eye, your gift is a celebration of God and a part of the call of God on your life. We have been created by God to need and to celebrate beauty and joy. You are part of God’s answer to that world of need. Everything God has made, whether we look at it macroscopically or microscopically, is beautiful and it was all created with sound. Si, whether you are celebrating the use of your gift in the work of the church to minister to Christians or to minister to the many who do not go to church, you are ministering Christ. Whether you work with other Christians or non-Christians you are His testimony through your life and skill. You don’t have to justify your gift by doing religious material or by kneeling in prayer when you do well, although you may do both. Your gift is justified because it is part of God’s nature and character in you. It is part of who He is and how He has made you and the gift itself reveals God. The world needs your gift and the celebration of beauty and joy it brings. Do not hold back! Let’s begin the new renaissance.

1. Deutéronome 32:44

2. Exodus 31
