上帝, “圣经”和政治正义: 警告!


This book may be harmful to your current peace of mind. Read at your own risk.



No one should have written it. No one should read it. It should not be necessary. But here it is. God’s heart laid bare for all to critique.

We want justice. We want peace. We want love. We want everything He offers. But do we want Him?

This is the question from the beginning of time. This is the question we were born to answer. Do we want Him?

这个问题迫我们,因为我们面对的是世界的解决方案无效; 哭出来的一个替代所有以前的信念和信仰的世界; 一个世界天气粉碎,, 人口, 贫穷, 动荡和毁灭性的疾病; 世界向往的梦想,但没有愿景; 世界渴望改变,但不带任何选项; 在人类历史上一个伟大的时代,但没有鼓潜力的世界冒泡击败跟随.

He is who we are looking for. He is the dream fulfilled, the one who offers us our destiny. But will we allow Him to be Himself? This is an odd question in a generation that is asking that so strongly for themselves. Let us be us! Fair enough, 神说:. But first you must let Me be Me.

在这本书中,我们正在寻找在政治正义, ,每个人心中的愿望之一, the cry of billions and the demand of many nation’s people. We have only one concern and that is “what does God say?” There is only one book for us to turn to in this study, 是神的书. In the Bible God does not say what we want Him to say. He does not tell us how to take power and make our nations good and just. He does not tell us how to legislate sin out of our towns and streets. 他不给我们一个战略.

代替, He tells us our story and His purpose. It is an unrelentingly tragic journey through the history of man. We begin with an amazing vision of possibility for God’s human creation. The cosmos is made for our inheritance. We are co-regents with God in dominion. Perfection, regal authority and eternal comradeship with our maker is all ours. It is breathtaking.


从创世纪第三章,但它是一个非常不同的故事. We are in freefall from sin and beginning with fratricide by chapter six we are all the way to human genocide. What is that all about? Nearly ten generations of human destruction ending in a violent global catastrophic flood. Why even read this stuff. What is the point? Where is God in all of this? 为什么不干脆跳过这在新约中,并得到公正. 因为这是神的历史选择,他希望我们明白. 如果我们希望他的祝福,我们必须了解他的思想. 你或你的想法,他希望他? You have to make a choice

最后有一些救济神呼召一个人,父亲是部落, 透露自己的一个新的国家. But from the first generation of Abraham there is lying and cheating and difficult alternative families. Within four generations we are back to near fratricide of Joseph and genocide of the Shecemites. This is followed by more than 400 years of slavery as God deals with Abraham’s legacy. Where is the joy here?


Reprieve comes again in the form of the Law given to Moses to disciple the nearly free nation of Israel. God begins to speak for Himself and gives clear, concise and very specific instruction for how to achieve justice in a community. Five books, 10 commandments and one small nation should be doable. God is with them. They make a covenant with Him. Finally we are moving forward.

We have some good years and some bad years but it all hits the fan again. 2000 years from Joshua to the last Kings of Israel and total destruction of the promised nation. Sure there are highs and lows. Much of what God wanted is achieved even a certain amount of political justice but then it deteriorates into bloody chaos again.

But then there is David. 是, 我们最好的政治领袖, only a murderer and an adulterer. But he had a heart for God? 是, 他所做的. But there is Solomon. 是, the pinnacle of national history. A man of great wisdom from God in governing but so little wisdom at all in his personal life. The King of Israel’s greatest age and the father of the Kings that will in one generation begin to tear it all apart and take the nation to total destruction. Why read this stuff? Why dwell on this for hundreds of pages? And then we have the Prophets and a few hundred more pages of pain? Surely God wants us to put this awful history behind us and get to Jesus, peace and joy. More than a thousand pages of historic torture for what when we now have the good news of the New Testament.


有上帝的观点! He is telling us who we are, what we were made to be and what we have become. He is telling us what He has had to witness, 与哀哭的, and address in order to bring us back to our destiny. He is telling us the cost, 神和人的痛苦无情的痛苦, 所有的创造,因为我们人类的权力滥用, 无知的成本, 失丧的成本, the cost of the dream behind giving man authority in the first place. He is telling us everything else has been tried in human history and failed. He is telling us that we want the wrong king, 我们正在寻找错误的国度,每次他试图挑起人类在正确的方向,我们拒绝他!

When we reject the Old Testament pain we are rejecting God’s view of humanity and reality. We are saying that we don’t want this God to be God. We don’t want this to be the truth about who we are. We do not what this to be the story. We want Jesus! And Jesus does come.


When Jesus comes his male peer group is slaughtered. When He comes His own people work with a pagan empire to execute Him. He is not the King they want. “But He is resurrected. He ascends!” He does, 和圣灵来, the power of God in man to carry out his destiny. “是的, 这是一; this is the King we asked for.” The church explodes and sweeps the known world. “Yup, this is the wave we were waiting for.” But then it begins. Persecution from within, 信徒信徒勾搭上; and from without political domination and persecution from Empirical governments with different agendas. The church struggles to be His church and we continue to argue about what kind of King He actually is, 所有的方式通过前三章的启示.

如果他还没有来给我们控制? If He has not come to give us peace and comfort, 如果他还没有来阻止罪恶和暴力, 那么什么是点? Why are we still here, 在地球上, 痛苦?

这是一个非常重要的问题的答案,你会走神已经走过,见他看到了什么之前,你就会明白他了解正义, 在地球上和在天上.



“Many people have compassion for the lost. I have compassion for God.”
