上帝, “圣经”和政治正义: 部分 1, 介绍



只能有一个正当的理由建立神的国度,那就是让耶稣称为. 只有这样,才能知道神的儿子深入他透露Word和激进的应用程序,它通过日常服从圣灵是由饱和. 只有这样,才能恢复政治正义神的设计是由听到神的心脏,所以看到他的思想和方法在他的话语中,我们看到他和完善, 因此, 知道我们必须做什么.


本书在圣经创世记帧一切神给我们. Wherever we begin our study of Scripture, 我们必须记住,, first, God explained and set the context of our origins. 他创造了一切存在. We humans fell from perfection, taking the material universe with us. 家庭的男子迅速演化成暴力和不人道的物种威胁的根本目的上帝的创造, life itself. Having allowed us to see what we can become alone He began His plan of redemption.


上帝选择了一个男人, 亚伯拉罕, 经手,他提出了一个民族. God would reveal reality through the Law given to Moses and the Prophets to this nation of people. A perfect law applied by an imperfect people would produce historic greatness, 但挑选会失败. 第二部分,他的计划是派遣一个完善人民槽牺牲, 赎回和恩典. 他们, 反过来, would live such a radically different set of values for the world to see that they would become “salt and light” in their imperfect nations, 揭示了返回造物主至上,谁最终将建立完善的与他的完美的人王国.


今天,我们有我们的宇宙起源的启示, 法, 先知, and Jesus has come and is coming again. 他给我们留下了他的安慰和Perfecter在圣灵的人. 我们是在上帝的王国. 向我们展示了他的圣灵住在我们里面. The Spirit God has sent will begin where the Scriptures begin; by helping us understand our Origins. It all begins in Genesis.


在马太福音第一章 22:36-40 Jesus summarized the whole teaching of the Law in two sentences:


36 “老师, 这在法律上是最大的诫命?” 37 Jesus replied: ” “爱主你的神与所有你的心,你的灵魂,你的头脑。’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 二是喜欢它: “爱邻舍如同自己。’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


神的国度的消息是他是谁的启示, 你和我是谁, and how we are to live together as a community. The last century of Christianity has emphasized what God says about me, 个人, what He requires of me and will do for me. With our emphasis on salvation we stress personal blessing, 个人的罪, and personal holiness. Nowhere is this more visible than in the popular hymns and choruses of the last few decades. 了解神如何涉及到我没有错, 但它是不完整的, 透视什么是上帝在圣经中向我们展示的大局观. The whole of the Bible is about how I am to live out the nature and character of God in my community and nation. 换句话说, 我揭示了我的信仰和知识的上帝,我怎么对待你,我怎么接受,你要处理.



If we are to think like the God of the Bible we must begin where He begins. And God begins in Genesis with the creation of the cosmos, 地球, 及其中的一切. Just two chapters are dedicated to this space- and time- creation event. Not a great deal of explanation for such a monumental event. But these two chapters lay down the foundation stones of all Biblical thought. They lay down three themes the whole of the Bible then fleshes out: Who is God? Who am I? How am I to live with you, 我的邻居? Without Genesis chapters one and two, 我们思考神和生命滑向无论是神秘主义或理性主义.


一, 神秘主义, 拥有一个神奇的对现实的看法,并认为解决方案,在看不见的地方,无形的权力. 其他, 唯理论, 作为一个纯粹的物质的表现形式和解决方案,仅务实和人造看到现实, 我们可以看到的东西, 味道, 触摸, and measure. Without a clear understanding of Genesis 1 和 2 we begin to develop a duality between the seen and unseen world. We begin to define Kingdom reality in terms of either miracles or science, 天上或地上, 有形或无形, 世俗或神圣, 精神或不属灵, losing the powerful message of Christ-Creator of all. Paul labors this integrated reality of God’s Kingdom with the Gentiles in Colossians 1:15-17


15 他是看不见的神的形象, 首生的,在一切被造的. 16 他所有的东西,: 东西在天上和在地球上, 有形和无形的, 无论是王位或权力或统治者或当局; 他和他所有的东西被创造. 17 他是前所有的东西, 在他所有的东西抱在了一起.


神在创世记声明这两个现实, 可见和不可见, 有形和无形的, to both be created by Him and under His authority. He declares man to be in dominion over both realms on earth and that our destiny as a human race is to multiply, 遍满地面,创建社区 (文化). 因此, 那些谁寻求觉得像上帝一样,找到自己的解决方案和方向一定要嫁给可见和不可见和一个个人和社区的一部分,只有神的国度的现实.



由于今天的信徒, our struggle with a split concept of reality is often revealed in our dualism between the Old and New Testament. Jesus labors with our tendency towards this in Matthew 5:


17 “不要想我来要废掉律法和先知。; 我已经来不是要废掉,乃是要成全他们. 18 我来告诉你真相, 直到天地都废去了, 不是最小的信, 不大笔一挥, 以任何方式从法律上消失,直到一切都完成. 19 任何人废掉这诫命中最小的之一,并且教别人做同样的被称为至少在天国, 但不管是谁的做法,并教导这些命令会在天国要称为大的。“


换句话说, greatness in the Kingdom of God is being able to marry and live the Old and New Testament values. The Old Testament emphasis is on nations and how we live together as a community and the New Testament emphasizesthe individual, salvation and reaching the lost. These must be married to see God and His Kingdom clearly. The revelation is progressive and we do not leave the beginning in the Old in order to achieve the end in the New. 一的基础上,满足其他的目的, revealing the full purposes of God.




创世纪 1 和 2 也给我们神的基本价值的总和,他把权力和责任. The delegation of and power to carry authority in the Kingdom of God is the basis of every legal and justice issue and, 因此, the values base for Governance. This is the template of ideals we, 作为信徒, are working towards for civil law in a fallen world. Our goal is to move towards God’s values and rightful authority by restoring His thinking in and through our lives, 我们的家庭, 我们的职业和我们的社区.


在圣经中,我们发现神的建立权利和责任, authority and power. Every person has rights and with those rights come the weight of responsibility. 但, no one has all rights and all responsibilities at all times, 在所有的地方或超过所有的东西. 男性和女性的权利, 动物权利, 地球的权利, 工人权利, 移民权利, 国家的权利, 边境权利, 社区权利, 个人权利, 宗教权利, 父母的权利, 儿童权利, 话语权, 通信权, 知情权, 配偶权, 产权, 所有权的权利, 性权利, 抗议的权利, 公民抗命权, 父母抗命权, 宗教自由权利, 宗教抗命权, 生殖权利, 囚犯权利, 穷人的权利, 我的名誉权, 部落权利, 受害者的权利, 业主的权利, 工作权, 生存的权利,更是目前所有和捍卫圣经中. 我们可以正确地说,圣经验证,在某些情况下,, 历史上创建一个的概念的权利, privileges and responsibilities.



民间治理的负担,以维持和保护这些上帝赋予的权利. 不可能? 是的,它. 但是,我们是司法可能的最高水平,然后继续努力,为更高级别的,而, 同时, 坚持社会权利已经建立,保护的权利神,但社会仍否认. 我们的工作重点, 而不是自己作为基督徒, 那些是最被滥用的权利, 寡妇, 孤儿, 外侨, 穷人和圣经.



作为上帝的子民,我们被称为民间治理神的荣耀和良好的人. Our goal is not to perfect the world or nation, 而是提供神的角度来看, 一个更好的办法, and allow society a choice. We are not the Jews in the Promise Land; we are God’s people in Babylon. God’s people surrounded by nations in darkness, offering “salt and light.”


我们具有影响力, but we are not in control. We are not defending God’s Kingdom; His Kingdom is already established. We are not here to “bring back the King,” the King is already coming. We are ambassadors of Light, helping to dispel darkness. We are “salt” preserving and changing the flavor of our communities’ choices. We are “salt” that can bring healing. We are an alternative choice to the lies of the “lawless one.” And we are preparing to deliver God’s justice beyond the borders of this world and time.


作为公民, peacekeepers and governors of a nation our objective is to “win” our nations to the highest level of justice they will accept. 进入神的国度的喜爱自己, 不要以为我们会打输进了解神政治正义的价值观. We must win them over to God’s thinking by revealing His superior blessing in our lives and through our defense of His laws and values.


要达到什么目的,我们追求这种激情王国? That all may see the Glory of the Lord, 有些人可能会被保存,所有的祝福.