TTI’s ‘Rewire’ Intensive Seminar – Next location TBA

Have you ever been completely rewired? If not, join us for the next TTI ‘Rewire’ Intensive Seminar.
This TTI six-week Intensive course will encourage you as a student to become a multidimensional thinker, learning to perceive, process and express a variety of points of view on contemporary, personal and social issues from a biblical perspective.
So what does that look like? You will receive teaching on the Old Testament Template that looks at the spheres/domains of society and their biblical role and function. You will learn a critical thinking model that will give you foundations on how to think and process through issues the world is facing today. Lastly, you will learn a leadership tool for communication that teaches you to understand the intrapersonal dynamics that influence your thinking.
The last three weeks of the intensive will involve integrating the first three weeks of teaching through study, process, and real-life scenarios. Some of the issues/topics we have looked at in the past have been: Gay marriage, Just War, Mass Migration, Gender, Economic Crisis/Reset, Extremism, Immigration, Death Penalty, Global Woman’s Issues, Borderless World Expressed in Inter-faith Upheaval, Borderless World and Technology, Freedom of Speech, Human Rights, Terrorism etc…
The TTI 6 Week Intensive was originally taken from the Advanced Principles of Communication School that was started by Landa Cope in the College of Communications. The first 6 weeks of the seminar is in a classroom setting at various YWAM locations. If you are a College of Communications degree student, or someone who is wanting to spend more time looking at world issues, you can continue with our 6 week online course to receive all 12 credits towards your degree.
This six-week course requires the student to work at a mature level of self-motivation, initiative, and emotional stability. It is an INTENSIVE therefore plan to set these 6 weeks aside for study!
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA
Entire 6 Week Seminar Cost: TBA
This is what people are saying about TTI ‘Rewire’.
“The TTI ‘Rewire’ seminar was definitely intense both on a heart and mind level. The course changed my understanding of God, the world and myself, in a profound way.” Jonna Peltoniemi from Finland
“I found this TTI ‘Rewire’ seminar life-changing. God is so much bigger than the box I have put Him in. Before this seminar I thought the Old Testament was not really relevant for today. I have been frustrated with all the laws that are there, but when I learned to find the principles, I could see God’s heart to give us life. That made me rejoice! I want everyone I know to do this seminar.” Magne Brakstad from Norway
This seminar is U of N accredited.
DTS is not required for this seminar.