上帝, “圣经”和政治正义: 部分 2, 介绍


神在时间轴上勾画出他的圣经启示祂自己, 开始与创造, 男人的体面成为全球暴力, 洪水, 男人的体面终于再次陷入暴力和亚伯拉罕和上帝使用一个国家的战略,以显示他的心脏和战略,对所有国家. 通过亚伯拉罕和他的后裔,神会带来“法,“他的思想,生活的全部,”他的儿子,“他的解决办法赎回所有创作. 该法将“祝福”谁住, 设置他们摆脱暴政, 弥赛亚将带来释放“奴役罪”。

“圣经”是指回,并建立对法律的摩西, 摩西五经. 在马太福音, 耶稣清楚地表明,律法和先知打下了基础,他的信息,他的行动:

17″不要想我来要废掉律法和先知。; 我已经来不是要废掉,乃是要成全他们. 18我来告诉你真相, 直到天地都废去了, 不是最小的信, 不大笔一挥, 以任何方式从法律上消失,直到一切都完成. 19任何人废掉这诫命中最小的之一,并且教别人做同样的被称为至少在天国, 但不管是谁的做法和教导这些命令会在天国要称为大. 20我告诉你,除非你的公义超过法利赛人和文士, 你一定不会进入天国.

如果我们的思维没有建立在法律的值,那么我们可以不明白的地方,耶稣是我们与他的消息. 他没有给我们一个有同情心, 骨气, 自我感觉良好的肉汤. 他实际上是提高法律的要求,超越摩西可以理解成义. 我们不重新诠释旧约与新, 也不是新与旧, 而是看到他们作为一个4000年神正在建设思路. 这是一个连续的想法开始在创世记和构建对他的最终回报,我们是做什么的平均时间.

没有旧约的定义“公义和怜悯,这是不可能的定义”正义或怜悯“”这是不可能定义“政治正义”在旧约中没有神的定义。. 这些概念不意味着什么,我们希望他们的意思,因为我们的礼品或个性, 文化或次. 他们的意思是非常具体的东西向神,只有他有权利来定义他们为我们. 如果我们寻求神的大使,他们必须代表他的政策不是世界的现行政策,甚至在某些情况下,在我们这个时代的基督徒思想.


为规定的法律,该法是一个包容各方的短语, 如十诫, 法应用在以色列的历史. 还记得“知道”在希伯来文的概念能够做重复. 因此,以色列的理解法的考验的时候,他们住在他们的应用程序法. 上帝纠正他们,因为他们采取行动,并揭示他们了解他们想什么,他说. 所以历史的书籍,通过酯约书亚我们理解摩西五书,五书是一样重要.

该法两种形式, 的指令性和历史的. 指令性的,给了我们该做什么和不该做什么,而历史给我们的应用程序法在犹太人的历史和他们演绎法的果实给了我们一个了解他们是否明白神的思维产生“好”或“坏. 该法包括神说什么摆在首位, what the Jews did and what God had to say about what they did. God clarifies the “meaning” of the Law through the history of its application, first by the Jews and later by the Gentile nations. And so we are still today proving by our choices the consequences of applying or not applying the values of God in our communities.

The Prophets are sent by God to tell the Jews why they are going though the circumstances they are experiencing as a nation. Referring back to the Law of Moses, 先知指出,犹太人做了, how it compares to what God said and why they are or will experience the consequences of those choices. The Prophets point out what they must do, 根据法, 如果他们想阻止或扭转这些选择的后果,回到神的祝福的状态.

The Messiah comes saying that He has come to build on the Law and the Prophets not to eliminate them. He has come to reveal and secure “righteousness” for us, which the Law was never going to be able to produce. Because no matter how much we obey the Law, 罪的资格王国, 即使是在祝福我们在地球上.

For our purposes in this book we will look at the prescriptive and historical separately to try to draw out what is being emphasized in each. But for the development of our thinking we must see them as integrated. So in effect we “dissect” to analyze but must put them back together to find application. 例如, the prescriptive law says adultery is to be punishable by death. But historically this death penalty is not applied to David when he commits adultery with Bathsheba. 为什么? Did they just not apply the Law? 或, 有“法”不只是禁止? Was the right of the people to ratify or change civil law part of the values “the Law” secured?

如果我们把规定的“从历史,然后除以它奉行的价值观, 神的加强,并通过所有域和所有的生活,你会隔离五个值:

  • 生命是神圣的
  • 物质世界是真实的,所有的生命和必要的
  • 词有权力,我们是负责人
  • 一切都需要被赎回
  • 任何有思想的,我们远离神的价值观,将开始破坏 (不会祝福) 我们.

神所赐的定义,目的的规范性和历史规律,建立了四个机构, 该主管当局的权力和界限:

  • 的个人
  • 该系列
  • 民间治理
  • 该机构的教会

这些“机构”的权力被赋予一个类型, 不是所有的权力, 寄宿生, 权利, freedoms and responsibilities. They lay the foundation for the values base on civil law. These values do not perfect human beings or society but, 的水平,它们建立并加强, they will create and sustain a more blessed society. These values and institutions when applied reveal God to the human community. They work with the cross to reveal Christ the King but they do not substitute for forgiveness and salvation through Jesus. They reveal the Kingdom that is coming but they cannot perfect that Kingdom on earth. Established and used properly these values produce a higher quality of life in all areas of life but they will not finally perfect man or creation.

在他的系列在美国宪法, 哥伦比亚大学和弗雷德友好的前总统CBS新闻称,这些 (抬头)...

We now have four assumptions on which God builds all His thinking. Five values that are essential to uphold if these assumptions are true, 四个机构部门,上帝给了我们为了保持和延续这些真理和价值为目的的祝福.

这些圣经的实际情况成立了“紧张”的自由, 为了建立健康的个人的权利和责任,必须保持, families and communities. They cannot be “balanced” they must be mutually maintained. If we error in one direction or the other we distort God’s plan. God has made the individual free and sovereign. 但, 因为这是真正的每一个人, there are limits to the freedom of any single individual. In order for every individual to be free there have to be limits to all of our freedoms. Who has the right and responsibility to create and sustain those boundaries? God has created the family as the authority for and over children. The authority of parents is loving their children. If they are trying to murder their children they are in violation of the sacredness and rights of the individual child’s life. I have the freedom to believe what I live. Do I have the freedom to practice that freedom anywhere anytime or any place? If I believe in human sacrifice for my blessing do I have a right to do it? Or is this an abuse of the sacrifice’s rights? Do we have rights as communities? If most of us agree that murder should be illegal, 我们拥有的权利,是非法的? Are there boarders to the rights of the community? How do we secure minorities rights to action, 子女抚养和信心,同时不破坏社区的权利?


  • 谁有权管治的许多?
  • 他们从哪里得到这一权力?
  • 这一权力将被执行的方法是什么?
  • 这是什么权威的权利?
  • 该权力的限制是什么?

每个系统治理这些问题的答案, or is working on them. But are they Biblical answers? We can know what God says about each question. We can know, 在任何给定的时间, where our nations laws and system of governance are blessed or in danger. This is the Biblical Template, 但我们必须愿意交换的思想世界,即使它被称为“基督教”,取而代之的是与神的思想, 即使在那个被称为“世俗”。