


Our assumptions lay the grid of reality as we understand and practice it. We fit the information that we receive through experience and education onto that grid. 衡量我们看不见的世界,电网,并采取相应的行动.

(This is an excerpt taken from God, “圣经”和政治正义, the book Landa is currently writing.)


For example we observe that matter is consumed to create energy and then assume that matter must be consumed by energy. We might assume “matter is limited” because that is our experience. 然后,我们就把这两个假设得出结论,能量需要物质的消费, therefore the universe is running down and we are running out ofmatter. We build a view of economics on this and assume “limited resources.” We build our concept of community and population on this and assume we are having “too many babies” and “population is the problem.” We might begin to believe that birth control and abortion are our only hope for survival. Shrinking oil reserves increase our anxiety and we might begin to assume this is the end of man and earth, as we know it. We base our scientific research on this and assume the answer to environmental devastation is to limit population growth. This is profound and implicative stuff and our world is working with assumptions like this everyday. We accept them as “reality.” We work to design solutions around these “beliefs.” We work to legislate them into law. But are they true? Physicist are at least looking at the possibility that the cosmos is actually creating matter as well as consuming it. What other assumptions are we building on that may not be true?

怎么会有人评价的年龄,他们住在我们的文化或信仰的假设? 我们的数据和经验有限. Not one of us was presentat the origins of the universe. 我们没有一个人有, 也不能用, 前往宇宙和文件的四肢,它究竟是如何工作的. We cannot know everything but we can and do know “something.” We are all working with the information we have and with the assumptions our experience and culture give us.

如果我们的假设是真实的,我们对现实的看法可能是正确的. 如果我们的假设是假的,我们对现实的看法会被扭曲,我们的解决方案, 虽然用心良苦, 我们并没有打算生产成果可能被扭曲, 或更糟, 创造更大的问题.


上帝给了我们五“启示”在圣经真理上,建立我们对现实的理解. 这些真理必须“透露”上帝,因为他们是超出了我们人类的能力,经验或知道. 所有圣经的思想和教学挂靠在这五个假设. 作为基督徒,, 我们认为他们是真的,因为神是真实的,他知道. 他透露这些真理是我们在宇宙中, 在圣经中,并通过他的儿子. When we hold onto these five Biblical assumptions we cannot drift far from a Biblical view of reality.


1. 上帝是!

2. 神是宇宙的创造者, 在物质世界, 可见和不可见.

3. 人类种族, 雌雄, 是建立在神的形象和他的所有创作的中心目的.

4. 被感染的罪恶和堕落的神使每一件事情.

5. 一切赎回

(如果您想了解更多请到上面的链接称为, “相关资源” 然后选择 “Landa’s books”. 被发现在本节第二章。)