
Connect – Connect is called to equip, activate, and launch people to effectively Disciple Nations.

网站: https://co-nnect.org/en/home

Global Opportunities – Empowering Tentmakers to Reach the World

网站: http://globalopps.org/home/friday/

A Call To Business

A Call to Business is a growing community of business people who believe that God has called them into business not simply to work, but to influence and change the very environment of business in general and the City in particular, and to see many people come to faith in Jesus. 网站: www.acalltobusiness.co.uk

Business as Mission

IBAM Training was established to meet the demand for education and equipping within the growing business as mission movement. 网站: www.businessasmission.com
促进和激发了社会各界熟练的领导人完整性whoprovide前沿理念和解决方案,以非洲国家. Theorganisation探索基督教的风气,以开放的心态空间状态等issues.Website: www.publicsquare.co.za
… 通过CreationIDI转化生命是社区发展臂国际Boltcutters部委, 致力于消除贫困, 消除疾病, 建立庇护, 基督教作为一个整体社区发展部的人民和他们的社区在world.Website各地提供教育: www.idisustainablecommunities.org工作与个人, 社区, and local organizations IDI develops community development strategies – plan for each community – the “local” partners. To implement this strategy IDI seeks “global” partners from around the world. These international partners can include individuals, 众, 基金会, 和非政府组织 (非政府组织) ,从信仰community.IDI致力于提供一个机会为教会, 通过言行,宣布他的威严和爱的所有分享基督的福音基督的身体“我们的邻居”,以实现其责任! IDI seeks partnerships with anyone committed to this simple, 但生活消费责任•健康带来光明所在社区黑暗resides.IDI坐标四区社区发展与人民和他们的社区活动。 & 健康
•住房 & 环境
应对变化意味着变革管理等领域的人打交道: 风险, 知觉, 为了与控制, 大图, 价值,同时创造一个安全的地方. 如果这些地区不处理, 变化不会发生,因为人们将它打. 大多数人都愿意改变, they need help to know how to do it and understanding as to why they should. www.thegreenbench.com
战略基督教服务处很高兴地宣布我们的新网站的推出旨在刺激新鲜的讨论的基本前提和职业道德,这将影响到个人期货, 家庭, 社区和国家. 此网站包括当前事件分析, 公共政策辩论, 音频, 和视频帖子. 从丹尼斯会把它还包括定期播客, 赖特Lakita, 亚当会把, 多. 基督徒需要从事他们与周围的社会对话, 塑造我们的文化问题. 挑剔的时代是一个有用的工具,弥补之间的差距已经看到了英国和其他未来我们的世界正在寻求答案. 我们邀请您来看看. 到:http://www.discerningthetimes.comwww.gostrategic.org
欢乐 2000, 联合王国
银禧研究是全球和国家经济的一部分 (GNE) 新经济基金会的程序, 伦敦. NEF是一个激进 “想和做” 坦克, 成立于 1986 由人民谁带领其他经济峰会 – 世界社会论坛的前亚军. 在英国和国际经济与环境工作, 它旨在促进福祉, 权利和环境的可持续发展, 解决这些目标之间的紧张关系. It’s ONE team coordinates work on markets and climate change with Jubilee Research’s programme of international financial reform. www.jubilee2000uk.org
基金会的关系, 联合王国
关系支撑我们生活的几乎每一个方面. 他们影响我们个人的幸福, 经济高效的工作, 因此,有效地提供公共服务和社会的fabric.The关系基金会的团结旨在各级公共生活和关系的认识并采取行动的重要性, 通过这样做, help create an environment where relationships can flourish. www.relationshipsfoundation.org
帕布Guptara教授, 瑞士
执行董事, 组织发展, 沃尔夫斯堡 (瑞银(UBS)的附属公司 – 在世界上最大的银行之一). He is also Freeman of the City of London and of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists. http://www.prabhu.guptara.net/
维沙尔Mangalwadi的, 印度
国际讲师, 社会改革者, 政治专栏作家, 13本书和作者.
“维沙尔Mangalwadi确实今天从印度薛华在上一代从瑞士. 维沙尔帮助我们塑造我们的基督教精神的基础设施上,我们开发我们基督徒生活, 走, 和服务. 阅读, 了解, 他说什么......和世界的结果将是一个更好的地方。”
〜洛伦·坎宁安, 总统, 国大学 http://www.vishalmangalwadi.com


Cities have historically been engines not only of wealth, but also of social and cultural reform and development. The 20th century saw the rise of nationalism and national and supra-national Organisations. I believe the 21st century belongs to cities, and by linking them together through technology, dialogue, 与设计, I believe we can promote growth and help Britain recover its historic role as a founder and protector of great cities at home and abroad. My activities in this area include:

  • working with and acting on behalf of different cities around the world to help them develop economically, socially, and culturally
  • working with local groups of leaders to help them collaboratively support their localities and cities in networks and Fora that can bring a spread of skills to bear on local issues, just as many city founders did in the past
  • working to cultivate the next generation of spaces in and between cities that can help create networks, growth opportunities, and social capital using the power of technology, great design, and hospitality


SKAI Ventures
