上帝, “圣经”和政治正义: 章 18

第三部分: 政治从犹太历史的教训

章 18


以色列国达到其发展的顶峰,在政治上和经济上在所罗门的日子. 如果弥赛亚来在这一点上,在历史上,我们将有一个非常明确的想法如何弟子一个国家政治. 我们将我们的注意力集中在一个强大的,但仁者主权领导人发出的方向和让人民做正确的事情,将发展民族. 政治权力自上而下的机构和门徒将被视为是一个“接管”战略. 但耶稣没有来 931 B.C. 所罗门还没有结束以色列的历史. 上帝没有完成他的地步. 我们有 38 国王去, 19 在以色列北部和 19 在南犹大.

以色列希望像所有其他国家的国王,他们周围. 尽管神的沮丧, 他们做出的选择将他们的系统从联盟的独立部落主权君主治理. 三代政治领导人,它看起来就好像神犯了一个错误, 因为国家的繁荣. 但神并没有一直在错误. 当您移动起来,你可以有快速的发展,但政治权力下降甚至更快.


罗波安- 南犹大

931-913 B.C. (17 岁月)

没有告诉我们为什么选择从所罗门的儿子罗波安带领以色列,但 “以色列人” 到了示剑 “让他的国王。”[1] 耶罗波安被称为流亡在埃及人民的劳动纠纷采取新景. 真神告诉他们什么, 他们的不满与所罗门王的所有国家建设项目的负担,他们希望救灾. 罗波安响应他的年轻顾问的意见后,, 他就会把他们的工作量更重. 刚刚任命他带领他们的人民没有发言权,只要他关注. 新国王会告诉他们该怎么做. 还是他会?

1 国王队 12:16 当以色列众人见王不肯听他们, 他们回答王: “我们与大卫有什么样的份额, 耶西的儿子在哪一部分? 你的帐棚, 来自以色列! 
看看自己的房子后,, 关于大卫!” 因此,以色列人就回家了. 17 但以色列人住在犹大的城邑, 罗波安仍统治着他们. 18 罗波安王送出阿多奈拉姆的, 谁是负责强迫劳​​动, 但以色列众人用石头打死他. 罗波安王, 但, 设法让他的战车和逃避到耶路撒冷. 19 因此,以色列一直在反抗大卫家的这一天. 20 当所有的以色列人听见耶罗波安回来了, 他们派人去请他到装配作王 在以色列全. 只有犹大支派的仍然忠于大卫的家“

以色列现在除以内战的两个演义, 北方和南方. 他们没有共识,他们“不会”罗波安统治. 以色列不会被一个单一的民族团结作为自己的权威下,直到再次 20 世纪.

罗波安勉强逃脱被石头砸死在这起民事纠纷,并从那里返回犹大和耶路撒冷排除. 他召集军队犹大耶罗波安和北打,但有足够的听感时,先知告诉他上帝不会保佑胜利,因为该部门是从他的王国.

为什么上帝非常王国分裂,他已经许诺建立了一千多年? 他正试图避免的危险是什么? 以色列将有更迅速地溶解到彻底毁灭,如果有没有一个部门权力? 无论, 神内战双方的国家发出警告,并延缓其下降. 神所赐以色列时间.

在这场内战中有一个意想不到的祝福. 2 编年史 11 帐户告诉我们,, 因为耶罗波安 (领导人神兴起) 建立两个金色的偶像,并任命他自己的牧师, the Levitical priests gave up their own lands and homes and moved to Judah. 和 “those who set their hearts on seeking the Lord, 以色列的神, followed the Levites to Jerusalem.”2 Chronicles 11:16 This mass exodus of God’s faithful people strengthened the Kingdom of Judah and the leadership of Rehoboam.

The support of these people who follow the ways of David and Solomon influence Rehoboam for three years until he is “established and strong.” 2 编年史 12:1 Then the King and the other people of Jerusalem turn away from the ways of God because they are “unfaithful” to Him. 换句话说, the hearts of the people and the King were not changed but they saw blessing because of the influence of the Godly remnant from the North. It was a short-lived impact however.

In Rehoboam’s fifth year as King God raises up an enemy in Shishak king of Egypt and they invade Judah. 在 1 国王队 14:25-28 for the first time we read: “26 He carried off the treasures of the temple of the LORD and the treasures of the royal palace. He took everything, including all the gold shields Solomon had made.” Rehoboam replaces the shields with bronze.

This theme of ransacking the Temple and striping Israel’s symbol of the presence of God will persist throughout their history, as will the ransacking of the palace. But we will let God develop that theme as we go.

In all of his unworthiness Rehoboam and his leaders humble themselves and ask God for help. And God responds by limiting the damage Shishack will do and so Judah is not “totally destroyed.” 2 编年史 12:7, 12

Because of God’s mercy Rehoboam is strengthened again in his rule and does “evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the Lord.” 2 编年史 12:14 This is God’s evaluation of Judah during the reign of Rehoboam: 1 国王队 14:22 Judah did evil in the eyes of the LORD. By the sins they committed they stirred up his jealous anger more than their fathers had done. 23 They also set up for themselves high places, sacred stones and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every spreading tree. 24 There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites.”

The King and the people of Judah continue to turn away from God even with the presence of this righteous remnant of Jews. 但, God continues to help them whenever they cry out to Him.

Meanwhile, in the North Jeroboam is creating a new religion for Israel with two golden calves.

Jeroboam North-Israel

931-910 B.C. (22 岁月)

God raised Jeroboam up under Solomon’s rule because the people had forsaken Him and were worshipping the gods of the nations around them. The prophet Ahijah is sent with a message that God will tear ten tribes away from Solomon’s heir and give them to Jeroboam. God makes Jeroboam the same conditional promise he has given every political leader since Moses:

我的国王 11:38 If you do whatever I command you and walk in obedience to me and do what is right in my eyes by obeying my decrees and commands, as David my servant did, I will be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David and will give Israel to you.

再次, God has found the best man in Israel to lead his people and promised him blessing if he will follow God’s ways. When Israel rebels against Rehoboam they make Jeroboam King of Israel and when Rehoboam marshals his military against the revolt, God through the prophet Shemaia tells them not to fight their brothers and they obeyed! This division of the nation of Israel is from God.

Jeroboam is concerned that if the Jews of the north go to offer sacrifices at the Temple in the south they will be lured away from him. 所以, “after seeking advice”, he builds two golden calves and calls the people to worship them. They will be their gods. He built shrines and high places and created a priesthood for his new worship.

Those who are faithful to God leave Israel and move to Jerusalem. These two golden calves“sins of Jeroboam” will stay very prominent in the development of Israel from here on. Remember then this institutionalized idolatry as well as that of Solomon and his “high places.“

Prophets began to speak out against the idolatry of Jeroboam and his gods and altars, and the King begins to persecute them. In one encounter Jeroboam’s hand shrivels up and is restored when he ask the prophet to pray for him. The King seeks out the prophet Ahijah because his son is sick.

1 国王队 14:7 ‘I raised you 从民中,让你我民以色列的领导者. 8 我撕毁了国从大卫的房子,并把它给了你, 但 你有没有像我的仆人大卫, 保持我的命令谁跟随我,用他所有的心, 做什么是正确的,在我的眼睛. 9 你比所有谁住在你面前行恶. 你已经做了自己其他的神, 金属制成的偶像; 你惹我发怒,我在你的背后推力.

远离神,神能找到以色列最好的领导人已经完全打开. 时钟滴答作响摧毁以色列 1 国王队 13:34 “这是耶罗波安的家的罪 它的倒台导致其破坏 从地球表面上。“ In one generation Israel has gone from greatness to sowing the seeds of their total destruction. How could this happen? Because the King had the power to take them there!

Jeroboam ruled Israel for 22 years and Nadab his son succeeded him.

Abijah- 南犹大

913-910 B.C. (3 岁月)

Back in Judah, Rehoboam’s son Abijah takes the throne and commits all the sins of his father. 但, for the sake of David, God seeks to do his best with this King. Finally real civil war breaks out between the Northern and Southern Kingdom. Abijah goes to field with 400,000 troops and Jeroboam with 800,000!

On the battlefield, Abijah makes an amazingly Godly speech calling Israel and Jeroboam to account for their golden calf idolatry and lawless priesthood. The King then declares that Judah, 另一方面, fights on behalf of the Lord God and His Levitical priesthood and observe “the requirements” of God.

1 编年史 13:13 Now Jeroboam had sent troops around to the rear, so that while he was in front of Judah the ambush was behind them. 14 Judah turned and saw that they were being attacked at both front and rear. Then they cried out to the LORD. The priests blew their trumpets 15 and the men of Judah raised the battle cry. At the sound of their battle cry, God routed Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah. 16 The Israelites fled before Judah, and God delivered them into their hands. 17 Abijah and his troops inflicted heavy losses on them, so that there were five hundred thousand casualties among Israel’s able men. 18 The Israelites were subdued on that occasion, and the people of Judah were victorious because they relied on the LORD, the God of their ancestors.

Was Abijah’s speech genuine? Did he have a moment of conscience? We don’t know but 人民 were trusting in God and God delivered them in spite of their political leader.

Abijah died and his son Asa took the throne.

Asa- 南犹大

910- 869 B.C. (41 岁月)

In Jeroboam’s twentieth year Asa became King in Judah. Asa did right in the eyes of the Lord, as David had done. He expelled the shrine prostitutes and got rid of the idols his father had made, deposed his pagan grandmother from being Queen Mother and replaced the silver and gold articles in the Temple that Egypt had taken. He made repairs in the temple and calls the people together to recommit themselves to God and following His law. Judah has peace for years.

The Cushites[2] come to war with Judah. Asa can field an army of 580,000-armed men. But the Cushites come with 300,000 chariots and a “vast” army. Asa calls on the Lord who helps the “powerless against the mighty.” Judah devastates the Cushite army.

The prophet Azariah has a word for King Asa: “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. 3 For a long time Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach and without the law. 4 But in their distress they turned to the LORD, 以色列的神, and sought him, and he was found by them.” 2 编年史 15:2-4

In the latter years of Asa’s reign there was civil war with North Israel. Asa made a treaty with Ben-Hadad, King of Aram in Damascus and gave him all the silver and gold that was left in the temple treasuries to protect him from the Northern tribes. Hanani the seer came to the King with a word: “Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the LORD your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand. 8 Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen? Yet when you relied on the LORD, he delivered them into your hand. 9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.” 2 Chronciles 16:7

Asa is so angry he puts the prophet in prison, begins to “brutally oppress” some of the people. He was afflicted with a foot disease, but does not seek God’s help in this and dies of his ailments.

Asa, whose “heart was fully committed to the Lord, all his life” did not remove the high places, died mad at God and assured that Judah would have war the rest of it’s history.

His son Jehoshaphat succeeded him.

Nadab- North-Israel

909-908 B.C (2 岁月)

In the second year of Asa Nadab son of Jeroboam became King of Israel. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord and walked in the ways of his father “which he had caused Israel to commit.“ He worshiped the golden calves. Baasha of the house of Issachar assassinates Nadab when he and his army are besieging a Philistine town.

Jeroboam has created institutionized idolatry and the impact is long lasting. 这是 official pagan worship. This is different then idolatry practiced by some of the citizens and its impact will last for generations.

Nadab ruled Israel for two years and Baasha made himself King and succeeded him. The red thread of violence is flowing.

Baasha- North-Israel

908-886 B.C. (24 岁月)

Baasha was raised up by God to deal with the evil Nadab and the house of Jeroboam is bringing on Israel with the golden calves. As soon as he became King he killed all of Jeraboam’s family “because of the sins Jeroboam had committed and had caused Israel to commit, and because he provoked the Lord, 以色列的神, to anger.” 1 国王队 15:30

Baasha attempts war with Judah but backs off when he loses his ally in Aram.

Baasha did evil in the eyes of the Lord and walked in the ways of Jeroboam. To this God responds: “I lifted you up from the dust and made you leader of my people Israel, 但你走的方式里, 使我的百姓以色列人 通过他们的罪犯罪惹我发怒. 3 所以,我即将消耗巴沙和他的房子, 我必使你的家像尼八儿子耶罗波安。“ 1 国王队 16:2 复仇者是坏仇. 在以色列有没有正义的领导.

巴沙在以色列统治 24 年,他的儿子以拉得手,他作为国王.

以拉- North-Israel

886-885 B.C. (2 岁月)

以拉成为以色列国王,而他是在家里的朋友喝醉, 撒, 以拉战车的指挥官一半, 暗杀他. 只要撒坐在宝座上,他杀死了所有巴沙的家人 “因为所有的罪巴沙和他的儿子以拉曾承诺有 caused Israel to commit...“

以拉统治以色列 2 年,并成功地由心利.

撒- North-Israel

885 B.C. (7 天)

As soon as the army, encamped near Philistine Gibbethon, hears that Zimri has assassinated the King and proclaimed himself King, they march against Zimri in the capitol of Tirzah. Zimi retreats into the citadel of the royal palace and sets fire to the palace with himself inside.

1Kings16:18 “…So he died, 19 because of the sins he had committed, doing evil in the eyes of the LORD and walking in the ways of Jeroboam and in the sin he had committed and had caused Israel to commit.

Zimri was King in Israel for seven days and Omri takes his place. The political system of Israel is in free fall and violence is rampant.

Omri- North-Israel

885-874 B.C. (12 岁月)

Omri’s rule begins with civil war: “Then the people of Israel were split into two factions; half supported Tibni son of Ginath for king, and the other half supported Omri. 22 But Omri’s followers proved stronger than those of Tibni son of Ginath. So Tibni died and Omri became king.” 1 国王队 16:21 The nation of Israel, split from Judah, is about to split again.


In the thirty-first year of Asa, Omni takes the throne. He buys the hill of Samaria and builds the city of Samaria, which will remain significant in Israel well into the time of Jesus. God’s evaluation of Omri: “But Omri did evil in the eyes of the LORD and sinned more than all those before him. 26 He walked in all the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat and in his sin, which he had caused Israel to commit, so that they provoked the LORD, 以色列的神, to anger by their worthless idols.” 1 国王队 16:25

Omni worshiped the two golden calves. He ruled Israel for 12 years and was buried in Samaria. His son Ahab took his place.

Ahab- North-Israel

874-853 B.C. (22 岁月)

不可能的,因为它可能看起来在这个时刻在以色列的历史, 亚哈也没有恶,比国王来到他面前. 1 国王队 16:31 他不仅 认为琐碎犯在罪里 尼八的儿子, 但他也结婚了耶洗别的女儿西顿王Ethbaal, 和 开始担任巴力 崇拜他. 32 他设立一个在撒玛利亚建造巴力的庙,他为巴力祭坛. 33 亚哈还做了一个的亚舍拉极和做更多的惹耶和华, 以色列的神, 怒气,比他以前的以色列诸王都“。

亚哈崇拜的两个金牛犊,并通过增加更多的神调升以前国王的邪恶. 神兴起许多先知在亚哈的日子. 伟大的先知以利亚亚哈的力量是一个克星. 以利沙,米该亚和其他都还忙着做神的意念清楚,一切会听. 更糟的国情更难神试图打电话的人回自己.

便哈达, 亚兰王[3] 拉在一起32的盟友的国王和攻击撒玛利亚城. 他希望所有亚哈的财富, 他们的妻子和孩子,任何有价值的东西. 亚哈咨询的长老,他们都同意抵制要求. 便哈达发誓他将毁坏他们.

1国王队 20:13 “与此同时,一个先知来见以色列王亚哈,并宣布, “这是耶和华说: “你看这片广袤的军队? 我会给今天到你的手, 然后你就会知道我是 耶和华.’14 “但是,谁做到这一点?” 问亚哈. 先知回答, “这是耶和华说: 省指挥官的年轻军官会做到这一点。’ “

他们做! 232 年轻指挥官 7,000 军队打败的军队 32 (授予他们喝醉了) 国王队. 亚兰人逃离苦难沉重的失去. 神使用最差的国王之一,兑现了自己的名字.

再次先知亚哈说: “这是耶和华说: “因为亚兰人认为耶和华是一个山神,而不是一个神的山谷, 我会提供这片广袤的军队掌握在自己手中, 你就会知道我是耶和华。’ ” 1 国王队 20:28

没有告诉我们这支军队究竟有多么辽阔,但他们“覆盖农村. 100,000 在战斗中被打死,另一 27,000 当城墙落在他们身上,因为他们逃离时,. 尽管上帝告诉他,杀王, 便哈达, 亚哈备件他和城市采取亚兰人与他签订的条约和在大马士革的市场进行交易的权利.

两次上帝给了这个可怕的国王军事上的胜利​​,上有分别代表以色列和他的名字. 神祝福的国家和他们的领导人,如果他们最好的,他可以​​听他甚至在一个区域. 以色列disserted好. 他不disserted他们.

但国王服从已经不完整. 上帝派另一位先知告诉亚哈,这将是他的生命,为生命之王他幸免. 亚兰人将在三年内再次攻击亚哈会死在战场.

亚哈结婚到Sidionite[4] 公主名为耶洗别. 在和平时期,亚哈发展迫切需要作菜园. 他想购买一个葡萄园靠近他的宫殿. 但由业主拒绝. 根据摩西的律法,拿伯继承他的父亲不会出售. 耶洗别指责亚哈在他的权力概念: 1 国王队 21:7 “这是你的行为作以色列的王? 拿起来就吃! 高兴起来. 我给你拿耶斯列人拿伯的葡萄园。” 她密谋与拿伯的城市亚哈的名义领导人有他莫须有的罪名执行. 亚哈得到他的菜园.

1 国王队 21:17 然后,耶和华的话临到以利亚的提斯比人: 18 “下来迎接以色列王亚哈, 谁统治在撒马利亚. 他现在是在拿伯的葡萄园, 他去哪儿了接管. 19 对他说:, '这是耶和华说什么: 你们有没有杀害一个人,并没收了他的财产?‘ 然后对他说:, '这是耶和华说什么: 在狗的地方舔拿伯的血, 狗会舔你的血是, 你的!’ “

1 国王队 21:27 当亚哈听见这些话, 他撕毁了他的衣服, 穿上麻布和禁食. 他躺在麻布和温顺地绕到. 28 然后,耶和华的话临到以利亚的提斯比人: 29 “你有没有注意到如何亚哈在我面前自卑的? 因为他自己卑微, 在他的日子,我不会把这场灾难, 但我会在他的房子,他的儿子在天。”

亚哈悔改,向神呼喊声. 和, 再次, 谁爱怜悯的神听到他和响应. 他将推迟判决. 神需要这么少的延长他的怜悯,他们仍然拒绝了他.

约沙法- 南犹大

872-869 B.C. (25 岁月)

亚哈第四年, Jehosaphat, 亚撒的儿子, 成为国王在犹大. “他走的一切在他父亲亚撒的方式,并没有偏离, 他做了什么是正确的,在耶和华眼中.“我国王 22:43

重要的是要阅读所有三个帐户,约沙法 1 国王队 22, 2 国王队 1-3, 8 并在 2 编年史 17-18 获得清晰的画面,他的格仔规则. 他有一个奇怪和矛盾的关系,与部落在北方王国.

编年史帐户告诉我们,早年,他加强了自己对以色列和寻求神,而不是按照他们的异教. 他致力于神的方式,并派出官员和祭司整个南王国教律法书. 约沙法肋犹大神社妓女, 但并没有消除高的地方. 人们继续崇拜和做出牺牲.


然后,他与亚哈, 最坏的国王在以色列的历史和他的家人嫁入. 两个国王去打仗与Gilead[5] 亚哈战场上被杀害. 代表神的先知耶户责备约沙法要求, “你应该帮助恶人?“ 2 编年史 19:2 含义的事实,他已经走了战争与亚哈.

摩押人和亚扪人使犹大犹大约沙法战争导致转向他求上帝帮助. 所有的男人, 妇女和儿童聚集在主面前,上帝的灵来的先知宣布犹大的胜利.

在这里的某个地方,约沙法使亚哈谢联盟, 儿子亚哈, 现在以色列的王. 他们一起构建一个船队在黄金贸易的目的与Ophir. 同样,神透过先知和斥责国王对准自己与邪恶和船舶都毁于大火之前帆船.

在他的统治约沙法十八年再次去打仗,协助他的兄弟在以色列北部. 兰, 现在以色列的王, 加入以东和犹大国王, 他们的军队在摩押地对付反抗. 旅途上,他们用完水和沙法要求他们询问的先知,主方向. 以利沙是最近和三个国王去询问他. 以利沙很清楚, 是不约沙法, 他会什么都没有做与其他两个国王队. 但, 经征询, 神预言战胜单克隆抗体.

约沙法 35 岁的时候,他成为国王,他统治犹大 25 岁月. 他的儿子约兰接替他.

Ahaziah- North-Israel

853-852 B.C. (2 岁月)

Ahaziah, 儿子亚哈, 成为以色列的王约沙法十七年. 他也邪在主的眼中,他的父亲和母亲, 耶洗别做了. 国王从他的宫殿房间的露台遭受一个秋天. 他派遣使者去寻求以革伦神的命运,他的伤势. 同时,神的使者向以​​利沙拦截王亚哈谢的使者,并告诉他们神国王说,他的伤势会死. 他!

他带领以色列两年约兰, 亚哈的另一个儿子, 接替了他的宝座上.

兰- North-Israel


852-841 B.C. (12 岁月)

2 国王队 3:2 告诉我们,兰 “...... 耶和华眼中为恶, 但不能作为他的父亲和母亲做了. 他摆脱神圣的石头巴力,他的父亲曾. 3 不过他坚持尼八儿子耶罗波安的罪, 他所造成以色列承诺; 他没有对他们敬而远之。“ 兰崇拜 two golden calves.

Mobabites起来,犹大,以东加入以色列的斗争. 因为约沙法正直, 以利沙预言胜利.

后来撒玛利亚城被围困亚兰王, 便哈达. 以利沙被困在城市,随着兰王. 条件如此极端的情况下,人吃人肉求生存. 以色列降低到自相残杀,我们听到的回声“的洪水. 兰寻求以利沙. 神透过以利沙和亚兰人逃离留下他们所有的用品,在夜间包围鸡犬不宁.


约兰- 南犹大

848-841 B.C. (8 岁月)

约沙法的儿子约兰 32 岁的时候,他成为国王. 他继续他的兄弟的混乱与以色列的关系,走在以色列国王的方式, 就像亚哈的房子做了. 他娶了亚哈的女儿. 只要他登上了王位,他把他所有的兄弟死亡,以及一些以色列的首领. 亚哈家的父亲的婚姻带来了邪恶北方王国进入耶路撒冷. 暴力流,因为它有在南在北.

他也邪在主的眼中: “尽管如此, 为了他的仆人大卫, 耶和华却不愿意灭绝犹大。“ 2 国王队 8:19 在他收服以东的[6] 立拿反抗犹大和漫长的边境线 (不知道你的意思是“漫长的边境线”) 内战开始.

以利沙发送了一封信,谴责他把犹大邪恶谋杀自己的兄弟约兰. 他预言,国王自己的家庭将被销毁,国王本人将死于一种疾病,导致他的肠子掉出来.

非利士人掠夺犹大国王去世以利沙说:. Ahaziah, 约兰的小儿子, 成为国王.

Ahaziah- 南犹大

841 B.C. (1 年)

亚哈谢是约兰的儿子和女婿亚哈王. 他的母亲是女儿的以色列国王卡斯. 他深深地沉浸在他的正常的家庭暴力. 他是 22 岁的时候,他成为国王和他行耶和华眼中亚哈做了. 犹大与以色列再次联手打亚兰人都是上帝的警告,尽管在基列的拉末的联盟.

在这段时间里,他复活了命名的军事指挥官的领导者,约沙法的儿子耶户. 以利沙先知“公司”的一名年轻成员呼吁,并委托他把一瓶油基列的拉末 (想必这些战争是怎么回事) 和膏耶户私下的话: “这是耶和华如此说: 我膏你作以色列的王。“ 然后用大智慧以利沙先知说: “然后开门逃跑; 不耽误。“2国王 9:3 什么样的政治大戏! 而神是从事这一切.

当耶返回到他的同胞指挥官,并宣布什么“狂人”先知说,他们立即宣誓效忠他,并宣布他为国王. 军事政变开始.

在战斗中受伤, 兰王已经退役耶斯列,医治. 亚哈王探望他已回落. 耶耶斯列加入他的部队谁是忠于他的部队约兰,因为他遇到. 兰和Ahazaiah出来迎接他: “这是和平, 耶?“

“怎样才能有和平,” 耶户说, “只要你母亲耶洗别,因为所有的偶像崇拜和巫术比比皆是?”

耶笋兰王在他的车上,他的尸体被倾倒 耶斯列人拿伯的领域. 这是土地耶洗别偷为亚哈的蔬菜花园因为拿伯谋杀.

“去接他,他丢在球场上属于耶斯列人拿伯. 还记得你和我一起骑在战车后面的亚哈,耶和华造他的父亲时,他这个预言: 26 “昨天我看见拿伯的血和他的儿子的血, 这是耶和华说, 我必使你为它付出该地块地面, 这是耶和华说的。’ 那么现在, 去接他,他丢了该阴谋, 根据耶和华的话。” 2 国王队 9

耶军队,然后致命伤口亚哈王逃到米吉多,并有死亡. 在同一时间被杀害犹大和以色列的国王!


841-814 B.C. (28 岁月)

暗杀国王, 耶神的审判继续指挥耶洗别和亚哈的整个家庭和随行人员领导人执行暗杀亚哈买的房子, 亲密的朋友和祭司. 他们的暴力统治已达到其极限. 这个汛前精神错乱,似乎是破釜沉舟清除这两个国家的唯一的阻吓.

耶寄语撒马利亚的长老打他,或加入他和响应,他们执行所有 70 sons of Ahaziah. 然后,他载撒玛利亚在路上遇到的亚哈谢其余的家庭逃离. 他杀死了所有他们. 再次, 神使用的是最极端的措施停止暴力红线.

2 国王队 10:17 当耶户到了撒马利亚, 他杀死了所有谁离开那里亚哈的家人; 他灭了他们, 根据耶和华的话以利亚说.

耶组装撒马利亚人在耶斯列巴力崇拜的追随者,并调用一个庄严的装配. 一旦他们满圣殿墙到墙, 耶户收费 80 驻扎在门杀死他们,当他们完成他们的神的崇拜和牺牲的人员和警卫. 然后,他们摧毁了巴力的庙,并把视线成厕所.

2 国王队 10:30 耶和华对耶户说:, “因为你已经做得很好,在完成什么是正确的,我的眼睛 并已完成亚哈,我脑子里想的,做的房子, 你的后裔必坐在宝座上的以色列到第四代。” 31 然而,耶不小心保持耶和华的律法, 以色列的神, 他所有的心脏. 他没有转离罪里, 他所造成以色列承诺.

耶崇拜 the golden calves 耶罗波安! 现在我们读这些阴暗的话:

2 国王队 10:32 在那些日子,耶和华开始,以减少大小以色列.

有越来越少,上帝可以做,他可以用更少的力挽狂澜以色列和犹大的自我毁灭. 在挪亚的日子一样, 条件下的人民和他们的领导人即将为他们的国家没有补救点. 喜欢的国家在土地神毁灭,当他们来到, 以色列支派的人已成为致命的黑色素瘤,危及生活的全部.


841-835 B.C. (7 岁月)

亚哈谢死亡, 虽然事情不可能变得更糟, 我们得到他的母亲亚他利雅, 的以色列国王卡斯女王的女儿. 她开始暗杀什么的王室仍然在她的出价取电. 剩下的是谁? 在新一轮的宫廷阴谋, 亚哈谢的妹妹, 以色列兰王的女儿, 偷了Jehosheba一个活生生的孩子王亚哈; 一个新生儿的命名约阿施, 隐藏祭司和她的丈夫的帮助下,他从女王在寺庙, 耶何.

在与军队领导和宫廷侍卫合作, 耶何阴谋推翻女王,并把约阿施, 孙子,约沙法, 宝座上. 当约阿施七岁, 耶何和军队的地方,他在庙前的宝座上,并宣布他为国王. 犹大人欣喜若狂. 在塞缪尔的日子,有没有更好的犹大的领导比一个孩子的希望.

亚他利雅听见人群和呼声“叛国罪”的军事领导人带她出去,并执行她. 耶何然后领导人民之间的盟约主, 国王和人民,他们将 “上帝的人”。 他们进行的人群从那里拆毁巴力的寺庙,并杀死自己的祭坛前巴力的祭司.

约阿施- 南犹大

835-796 B.C. (40 岁月)

“约阿施七岁的时候,他开始作以色列。” 在他的 40 多年为王, 约阿施 “没有什么是正确的,在耶和华眼中” 祭司耶何的帮助和理事会. 他从人民与祭品寺修复. 但, 他并没有消除高的地方,人们继续崇拜.


帐户 2 编年史 24 告诉我们,祭司耶何的去世后, 国王和他的官员抛弃在寺庙崇拜和亚舍拉的崇拜. 祭司撒迦利亚, 耶何耶大的儿子, 带来一个词神的审判公开和国王,他用石头砸死, 尽管他的父亲的善良国王.

亚兰王, 哈薛, 确定攻击耶路撒冷和, 尽管一个较小的军队, 他们击败犹大和伤口约阿施王. 国王队的官员合谋暗杀他在报应他杀害撒迦利亚. 他儿子亚玛谢接续他作犹大王.


814-798 B.C. (17 岁月)

约哈斯, 耶户的儿子接替他的父亲被任命为以色列. 他没有跟随主,但继续在罪里, 哪 “他使以色列人犯罪。” 主多次对以色列带来亚兰王的敌人. “但约哈斯恳求主, 主听取他的意见; 因为他看到以色列的压迫。“ 2 国王队 13:4 至于法官在天, 约哈斯和人民时,他哭了出来, 他复活了帮助和为国家提供. 他们击败强大的亚兰军队是伟大的,但成本. 约哈斯留下了 50 马兵, 10 战车和军队 10,000 步兵.

人民能够再次住在自己家里,从他们采取的亚兰,但他们或其国王背离的崇拜 the golden calves 或自己的神圣亚舍拉极.

约阿施- North-Israel

798-782 B.C. (16 岁月)

约阿施, 约哈斯的儿子, 接替他担任国王. 他也邪在主的眼中,并继续在罪里, 金牛犊的崇拜. 在这段时间里,犹大是在战争与以东和亚玛谢王聘请了来自以色列士兵,以帮助. 在建议的先知,上帝会保佑不要与邪恶的联盟, 他派遣的部队回​​家. (这最后一句是我不清楚)

犹大引发约阿施王和内战是因. 以色列耶路撒冷采取的一段墙上的眼泪就下来了 所有的银色和金色的寺庙和宫殿.


亚玛谢- 南犹大

796-767 B.C. (29 岁月)

亚玛谢, 约阿施王的儿子, 继他的父亲在南方. 在主眼中的那样, 但不喜欢他的祖先大卫. 他执行的官员说,杀害了他的父亲,但他幸免根据自己的儿子摩西的法律. 他战斗,打败了主的话,不使用雇佣部队以色列攻击以东, 上帝不会保佑他们.

他的伟大胜利,上帝给了他,他带回了以东的神,并将其设置为自己的神, 崇拜他们,向他们作出牺牲. 他拒绝主的先知的斥责,并继续在他的偶像崇拜. 约阿施王亚玛谢挑衅和以色列攻击,并且击败犹大.

亚玛谢是由他自己的人暗杀. 亚撒利雅的儿子是由人民选择的是国王.


793-753 B.C. (41 岁月)

“国王犹大王约阿施的儿子亚玛谢十五年, 成为国王,以色列王约阿施的儿子耶罗波安在撒玛利亚......“ 2 国王队 14:23 他也邪在主的眼中,并继续在罪里, 崇拜 the golden calves. 他恢复了一些以色列的边界,按照主的话语,通过先知.

在耶罗波安二世无视神尽管: “耶和华曾恨恨地看到了每个人都在以色列, 无论是奴隶或自由人, 患; 有没有人帮助他们. 27 自从耶和华没有说他会抹煞以色列的名从天下, 他救了他们 约阿施的儿子耶罗波安的手。“ 1 国王队 14:26 上帝的奇异恩典.


亚撒利雅 (乌西雅)-南犹大

792-740 B.C. (52 岁月)

王亚撒利雅 16 当所有的犹大人选择他登上王位后,他的父亲, 亚玛谢. 他做什么是正确的,因为他的父亲有在耶和华眼中. 他寻求上帝和先知撒迦利亚指示他在敬畏耶和华. 但, 他没有带走高的地方 人们继续崇拜和做出牺牲.

只要亚撒利雅寻求上帝,他给了他的成功,他. 他击败了非利士人, 阿拉伯人和Meunites的. 亚扪人支付他的宝座致敬. 他强化耶路撒冷的城墙,与塔. 他有一个对农业的热情, 挖了一个蓄水池和开发的土地和牲畜. 他有一个训练有素的军队与新发明的武器.

但, 他获得权力和名望,他成为骄傲. 扫罗一样在他面前, 他开始跨过界线国王的角色与作用的神职人员. 他进入了寺主面前烧香. 祭司面对他的事实,摩西给这个角色的祭司亚伦的后裔. 他们命令他离开圣域. 国王开始怒斥的祭司,他敲击与麻风病.

亚撒利雅麻风余生跑了犹大的事务,通过他的儿子约坦. 在他的死亡, 约坦成为国王在犹大.


753 B.C. (6 个月)

王亚撒利雅放置在他死后他的儿子撒迦利亚以色列. 撒迦利亚也邪在主的眼中,并没有转离罪里. 他和人民继续 崇拜金牛犊. 沙龙的, son of Jabesh, 在公共暗杀他. 暴力事件不断升级的步伐加快.


752 B.C. (1 月)

沙龙的暗杀后撒迦利亚和规则需要的宝座前一个月被暗杀迦底的儿子米拿现, 谁需要的宝座.


752-742 B.C. (10 岁月)

梅纳海姆雷做邪恶的眼睛主; 他并没有停止 金牛犊的崇拜 耶罗波安和他领导人民在这罪. 他被解职在Tirazh Tiphsa撕开所有的孕妇. 亚述侵入和梅纳海姆雷国王致敬,以保持权力在以色列, 为了做到这一点的人征税.

Pekahiah, 他的儿子, 国王后梅纳海姆雷的死亡.


742-740 B.C. (2 岁月)

为王, 比加辖继续做坏事做了主眼中的父亲​​梅纳海姆雷. 他继续带领以色列耶罗波安的崇拜 two golden calves. 他的军事队长, Pekah, 和 50 基列攻击和暗杀他在宫中.


752-732 B.C. (20 岁月)

比加也没有继续在主眼中的邪恶 耶罗波安的牛犊的崇拜 以色列人民和领导做同样的. 在亚哈斯在位, 神使用比加他们离弃耶和华使犹大判断. 他侵入, 造成重大人员伤亡和掠夺的南国. 亚述王侵入北方领土和人掳到亚述去. 国王被暗杀比加.


750-732 B.C. (16 岁月)

乌西雅王的儿子约坦成为国王后,他的父亲去世. 他做了正确的在耶和华眼中就像他的父亲,但他没有进入寺庙祭司的一部分. 高坛还没有去除,但和人民继续他们的腐败行为. 约坦国王重建的庙上的门, 强化墙,加强了犹大的边境防御.

他去打仗,击败亚扪人征服其领土. 他获得了权力 “因为他坚定不移地走之前,他的神。” 在他的一天, 上帝开始提高亚兰和以色列攻击犹大. 乌西雅的儿子亚哈斯成为国王在他的死亡.

亚哈斯- 南犹大

732-715 B.C. (16 岁月)

亚哈王十六年规则犹大. 他没有做什么是正确的在耶和华眼中大卫,但走在以色列国王的方式. 他遵循“可恶做法”国家神赶出土地, 包括牺牲自己的儿子.

亚哈斯铸造的犹大巴力的偶像崇拜和 他增加了整个以色列高处. 亚兰的神手犹大通过军事胜利. “在他遇到麻烦的时候,他变得更加神不忠的人。” 2 编年史 28:22 和亚哈斯开始祭祀神灵大马士革的. 他关闭殿门,并建立其他神的祭坛,在每个街角在耶路撒冷.

麻烦来自以东, 非利士人与以色列亚哈斯一项协议,亚述王拯救犹大. 他给他 黄金和白银的宫殿和寺庙 作为贡品. 亚述人攻击,并采取大马士革代表犹大.

亚哈斯去大马士革去迎接亚述王,并在那里参观寺庙. 他是如此印象深刻,他们的神的祭坛,他发送的祭司从耶路撒冷到复制ALTER在耶路撒冷圣殿内,并建立一个重复. 现在可以使用ALTER牺牲和上帝的青铜ALTER将被用来当国王查询的主.

亚哈斯 “晋升” 自愧不如,因为他在犹大和民族的邪恶“。”他提拔的神和偶像崇拜 “他的倒台和所有以色列的灭亡。” 2 编年史 28:23


何细亚-北 – 以色列

732-722 B.C. (9 岁月)

何细亚是最后的以色列王和他行耶和华眼中, 但不是那么糟糕,和以色列的国王在他面前. 他停了下来致敬亚述寻求帮助埃及人. 亚述人入侵,并采取他的囚犯和亚述军队围困撒马利亚三年, 最终夺取城市和亚述人驱逐.


这一切的事 因为以色列人得罪耶和华他们的神, 谁领他们出埃及埃及王法老的力量下. 他们敬拜别神 8 跟随耶和华面前赶出他们的国家的做法, 以及做法,引进以色列的君王. 9 以色列人暗中做的事情对耶和华他们的神是不正确的. 从岗楼设防城市,他们建立了自己高的地方所有的城镇. 10 他们成立了神圣的石头和木偶,在各高冈上,各青翠树下. 11 在每一个高的地方,他们烧香, ,耶和华面前赶出他们的国家做了. 他们做了伤天害理的事,惹耶和华发怒. 12 他们崇拜偶像, 虽然耶和华所说的, “您不得这样做。” 13 耶和华他所有的先知和预言家警告以色列和犹大: “打开的恶行. 遵守我的命令和法令, 按照整个“我吩咐你们列祖服从,我通过我的仆人众先知交付给你。”

14 但他们不会听,硬着颈项像他们的祖宗, 谁不相信他们的神耶和华. 15 他们拒绝了他的法令和他同他们的父亲和警告,他所立的约给了他们. 他们随从虚无的神和自己变得一文不值. 他们模仿周围的国家,他们虽然耶和华曾下令他们, “因为他们做的,不要做,” 耶和华曾禁止他们做他们做的事情. 16 他们离弃耶和华他们的神的命令 并为自己的两位偶像投在小腿的形状, 亚舍拉极. 他们俯伏所有繁星主机, 他们崇拜巴力. 17 他们牺牲了自己的儿子和女儿在火灾中. 他们实行占卜和巫术和出售自己作恶的在耶和华眼中的, 挑起他的怒气. 18 所以耶和华与以色列的很生气,并删除他们从他面前. 只有犹大支派的离开, 19 和 犹大也没有跟上他们的神耶和华的命令. 他们遵循的惯例以色列 已推出. 20 因此,耶和华就厌弃以色列所有的人; 他折磨他们,给他们手中的强盗, 直到他就把他们从他面前. 21 当他撕毁以色列大卫的家离, 他们就立尼八的儿子,他们的国王. 耶罗波安引诱以色列人掳跟从耶和华,并导致他们犯下了大罪。. 22 以色列人坚持在所有 罪里 并没有远离他们 23 直到耶和华从他们离开自己面前, 他警告说,通过他的仆人众先知. 因此,以色列人民从他们的家园,流亡在亚述, 他们仍然有.

亚述王从巴比伦的人[7], Cuthah[8], 亚瓦[9], 哈马[10] 和西法瓦[11] ,使他们在撒玛利亚的城镇取代以色列人. 2 国王队 17

希西家-南 – 犹大

715-689 B.C. (29 岁月)

早在犹大的儿子亚哈斯, 希西家在位. 他做了什么是正确的,在耶和华眼中. 他 除去高的地方, 神圣的石头砸了, 砍下木偶,砸了摩西铜蛇. 一直没有一个像他一样在所有的犹大国王, 之前或之后. 他不停地命令摩西和他承担的一切成功. 希西家王切断亚述的影响,并击败了非利士人, 一路加沙.

在他在位的第四年, 撒马利亚攻击亚述和超过运行. 十年后再次亚述攻击犹大和他们捕捉设防城市. 希西家提供致敬,并为他们提供了所有的银子 从寺庙的门和门框上的宫殿和庙宇和黄金.

作为响应,亚述人挑战犹大人民反抗希西家说,他拆毁了他们的真正的神,现在他们都无能为力. 希西家告诉人们保持沉默,并相信神. 然后,他的眼泪他的衣服, puts on sackcloth and ashes and goes to the house of the Lord. The King sends a message to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz. The prophet encourages Hezekiah the Lord will fight those who (unfinished sentence?)

Hezekiah receives the word of the prophet and takes it to the house of the Lord to pray. God answers, He will spare the city for David.

The next morning 85,000 Assyrians soldiers are mysteriously dead in their camp in the morning and the remaining troops withdraw to Nineveh.

Hezekiah is ill and the prophet says he will not recover. The King implores the Lord to remember all his faithfulness and wept bitterly. God sends the prophet back with the message that God will give him 15 more years and he is healed.

Babylon sends envoys to Judah and King Hezekiah shows them all his treasures. 先知以赛亚他来信息说:神说,那是错误的, 他们会来,并把它全部回到巴比伦. 但, 这将不会发生在他的一生. 国王说,这是很好的,至少他们会在他的一生中有和平.

玛拿西-南 – 犹大

697-642 B.C. (55 岁月)

玛拿西, 希西家的儿子, 他作为国王的年龄在成功 12. 他没有邪在主的眼中,跟着 可恨的做法驱逐了各民族神. 他 重建高的地方, 重新竖立改成巴力和亚舍拉,他的父亲破坏. 他跪拜的星星,在寺庙建两个异教改变. 他牺牲了自己的儿子, 练巫术, 卜筮, 咨询媒介巫术. 他并带领犹大“,使他们做更邪恶的国家主已在以色列人面前销毁。” 2 编年史 33:9 “Moreover, Manasseh also shed so much innocent blood that he filled Jerusalem from end to end…” 2 国王队 21:16

At this time God said:

“I will stretch out over Jerusalem the measuring line used against Samaria and the plumb line used against the house of Ahab. I will wipe out Jerusalem…” 2 国王队 21:13

God sends the Assyrians against Judah and they take Manasseh back to Babylon as prisoner. While there, Manasseh humbles himself before God and realizes how wrong he has been. Amazingly God hears his cry for help and makes a way for him to return to Jerusalem! “Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God.” 2 编年史 33:13

Manasseh begins a campaign to rebuild the outer wall of Jerusalem, remove the pagan altars and images from the temple and to rid Judah of foreign gods. But the people continued to worship at the high places.

Manasseh died and his son Amon replaces him.


642-640 B.C. (2 岁月)

King Amon became King at twenty-two years of age and continued to do evil in the eyes of the Lord as his father Manasseh had done. His own officials assassinated him in the palace. The people revolted and killed all the assassins and put Josiah, Amon’s son on the throne.


640-609 B.C. (31 岁月)

Once again the best that God can do for leadership is a child. Amon’s son, Josiah took the throne of Judah at age 8. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in the ways of David. At the age of sixteen Josiah began to earnestly seek God and “did not turn from the right or the left.”

At age twenty the King began to purge Judah of all the high places Solomon had built, the Asherah poles and carved and cast images used for pagan worship. By the age of twenty-six Josiah turned his attention to the restoration of the Temple. During this process the priests find the Book of Law and read it to the King. Josiah commands the priest to enquire of God what His thoughts are about the people of Judah and their past:

“11 When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes. 12 He gave these orders to Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam son of Shaphan, Acbor son of Micaiah, Shaphan the secretary and Asaiah the king’s attendant: 13 “Go and inquire of the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the LORD’s anger that burns against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written there concerning us.” 2 国王队 22

They consult the prophetess Hulda and “15 She said to them, “这是耶和华, 以色列的神, 说: Tell the man who sent you to me, 16 '这是耶和华说什么: I am going to bring disaster on this place and its people, according to everything written in the book the king of Judah has read. 17 Because they have forsaken me and burned incense to other gods and provoked me to anger by all the idols their hands have made, my anger will burn against this place and will not be quenched.’ 18 Tell the king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of the LORD, ‘This is what the LORD, 以色列的神, says concerning the words you heard: 19 Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I have spoken against this place and its people, that they would become accursed and laid waste, and because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you, 这是耶和华说. 20 Therefore I will gather you to your fathers, and you will be buried in peace. Your eyes will not see all the disaster I am going to bring on this place.’2 国王队 22

Josiah gather’s all the people of Jerusalem, great and small, along with the elders of Judah. The King reads to them the entire law and he leads them in making a covenment with the Lord to follow His commandments. They cleanse the Temple of pagan artifacts and depose the pagan priest worshipping there. He destroyed and defiled all the pagan high places including those where they had sacrificed their children. He continues this destruction even into Samaria, tearing down the high places that Jeraboam had built.

Then King Josiah returns to Jerusalem and the country celebrates Passover for first time since Samuel and the time of the Judges. Never before or after was there a king like Josiah who turned so completely to God and the Law of Moses.

“26 虽然, the LORD did not turn away from the heat of his fierce anger, which burned against Judah because of all that Manasseh had done to provoke him to anger. 27 So the LORD said, “I will remove Judah also from my presence as I removed Israel, and I will reject Jerusalem, the city I chose, and this temple, about which I said, ‘There shall my Name be.’ ” 2 国王队 23

Egypt moves it’s army to the Euphrates to assist Assyria in battle and King Josiah goes out to confront the Pharaoh’s military. Neco, head of Egypt, tries to turn Josiah away telling him he has no fight with him. “ Josiah, 但, would not turn away from him, but disguised himself to engage him in battle. He would not listen to what Neco had said at God’s command but went to fight him on the plain of Megiddo.” 2 编年史 35:22

Josiah is wounded in this battle and dies in Jerusalem as a result. His son, Jehoahaz is chosen by the people to rule in his place.


609 B.C. (3 个月)

Josiah’s son, who is twenty-three when he begins to reign, did evil in the eyes of the Lord just as his ancestors had done. The Pharaoh Neco takes Jehoahaz captive to Egypt and makes Eliakim his brother king in his stead. Egypt levies taxes on Judah and takes the silver and the gold from the people of the land to pay it. There is not enough left in the Temple and the palace.

The Pharaoh changes Eliahkim’s name to Jehoiakim.


609-598 B.C. (11 岁月)

Jehoiakim is twenty-five when he takes the throne and he continues to do evil in the eyes of the Lord as his ancestors had done. During his time, Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon invades the land makes Jehoiakim his vassal and takes the wealth from the palace and the temple. Jehoiakim rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar after three years and God sends Babylonians, Arameans, Moabites and Ammonites against him to destroy Judah.

2 国王队 24:2 He sent them to destroy Judah, in accordance with the word of the LORD proclaimed by his servants the prophets. 3 Surely these things happened to Judah according to the LORD’s command, in order to remove them from his presence because of the sins of Manasseh and all he had done, 4 including the shedding of innocent blood. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the LORD was not willing to forgive.”

Babylon takes control of the land from the Wadi of Egypt all the way to the Euphrates River. This is close to the original boundaries of the Garden of Eden and the original promise of land to Abraham.


598-597 B.C. (3 个月 10 天)

Jehoiachin is Jehoiakim’s son and he replaces his father as King at the age of eighteen. He also did evil in the eyes of the Lord. Soon after he is crowned, Babylon makes siege of Jerusalem and captures the city. Nebuchadnezzar takes the King, family and officials prisoner and sacks the palace and the temple:

2 国王队 24:14 He carried into exile all Jerusalem: all the officers fighting men, and all the craftsmenartisans—a total of ten thousand. Only the poorest people of the land were left. 15 Nebuchadnezzar took Jehoiachin captive to Babylon. He also took from Jerusalem to Babylon the king’s mother, his wives, his officials and the leading men of the land. 16 The king of Babylon also deported to Babylon the entire force of seven thousand fighting men, strong and fit for war, and a thousand craftsmen and artisans.

Not only has Judah lost its’ land but now it loses all its’ talent and leadership. The land is left to those who have been most oppressed by the wickedness of Judah, the poor!

Mattaniah (Zedekiah)-南犹大

597-586 B.C. (11 岁月)

Jehoiachin’s uncle Mattaniah, who is twenty-one, is appointed by Babylon to run Jeruselem under Nebuchadnezzar’s authority. His name is changed to Zedekiah. He does evil in the eyes of the Lord as Jehoiakim had. He refuses to humble himself at the word of the Lord brought by the prophet Jeremiah. He is stiff-necked and the leaders of the priests and the people themselves become even more unfaithful to the Lord and increase their detestable practices and defiling of the Temple.

Zedekiah rebelled against Babylon and they bring a siege against Jerusalem that lasts more than four months. Those left in the city along with the King and soldiers brake through walls and flee towards Arabah. Many are captured including the King and his family. All of Zedekiah’s sons are slaughtered before him and then he is blinded, bond and taken to Babylon.

The Babylonian military break down all the walls of the city, burned the house of the Lord, the King’s house and all the great houses of the city. Finally most of the people are taken to Babylon along with the rest of the gold, silver and all the bronze left from the house of the Lord. Only the poorest of the poor are left to dress the vines and till the land.

2 编年史 36:15 The LORD, the God of their ancestors, sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because he had pity on his people and on his dwelling place. 16 But they mocked God’s messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against his people and there was no remedy. 17 He brought up against them the king of the Babylonians, who killed their young men with the sword in the sanctuary, and did not spare young men or young women, the elderly or the infirm. God gave them all into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. 18 He carried to Babylon all the articles from the temple of God, both large and small, and the treasures of the LORD’s temple and the treasures of the king and his officials. 19 They set fire to God’s temple and broke down the wall of Jerusalem; they burned all the palaces and destroyed everything of value there.

“There was no remedy.” Like Adam and the Garden, Cain and his exile, the days of Noah and sons of Jacob, the violence and destructiveness of both Israel and Judah has reached the point of no return. In His mercy God sends them into exile, even while doing so promising them a time to return to their land and to Him. God is constantly faithful to Himself, His ways and His people.

Within the next 100 or so years the rulers of these same countries will be sending the people of Israel back to their land, rebuilding the Temple and paying to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. But the nation will not be restored to the glory days of Solomon. It will suffer occupation and exile by the Persians, Greeks, Egyptians, Syria and rule of the Hasmonean Dynasty. It will be known as Palestine for a millennium.

What is God laboring for us in this long and difficult history? What is He highlighting for our instruction of political justice? Is there anything here to teach us His ways for our nations in the 21st Century?

[1] 2 编年史 10:1

[2] Modern Sudan

[3] Modern Syria

[4] Modern day Lebanon

[5] Modern Jordan

[6] Modern Jordon

[7] Modern Iraq

[8] Modern north western Iraq

[9] Modern northern Syria or southern Turkey

[10] Modern Syria
